At 10:49 AM 3/3/00 -0800, Tim May wrote:
> (Sure, the delivery has to be untraceability. As always, if Alice and Bob
> are using mundane e-mail mechanisms then any supposed untracebility of the
> money is ipso fact lost.)

 While an evesdropper can determine that Bob, a purportedly upright US
citizen, has exchanged encrypted messages with Alice, a purveyor of
video tapes showing lolita being affectionate with a donkey,  they
cannot determine that the digicash deposited by Carol is actually the
same digicash that Bob obtained shortly before interacting with known
child pornographer Alice.  They therefore cannot determine that
upright citizen Carol is actually infamous child pornographer Alice,
and therefore cannot determine that Bob paid Alice anything.

Thus conventional email mechanisms are perfectly satisfactory,
provided they are supported by multiple identies. 

         James A. Donald

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