At 9:18 PM -0800 3/21/00, Bill Stewart wrote:
>  >> > If the product did what it was supposed to, sure, it would be immoral
>>>  > to spread its list of banned sites.
>>>  Why would this be immoral?
>>Duh! Kids would use that file as a bookmark file to find the porn. 
>If you pass on the list of sites with real porn in them, maybe,
>though your favorite search engine can find you 85943804234 pages
>with naked people on them.
>The more interesting part to pass on is pages that _aren't_ porn.
>For instance, somebody could write a script that sorts the banned URLs
>by domain (or domain and first or second level of directory),
>does a whois, and sends out an email saying something like
>       "Cyberpatrol blocked your page <http://etc...> as <category>.
>       If this is incorrect, please contact them at <address>,
>       and if you would like to join our class action defamation lawsuit,
>       contact us at <address>"

A bunch of people, on this list and on lists which intersect with our 
list, have gone down this "defamation" path.

Fact is, we as Cypherpunks/libertarians should not give any support 
to this statist  notion that opinions are a basis for court actions.

So _what_ if Cyberpatrol has blocked John Young's Cryptome site?

If Roger Ebert says he is giving a thumbs down to "Mission to Mars," 
or if the Galloping Gourmet says Chez Nous is a place to be avoided, 
are these "actionable"?

What Cyberpatrol wishes to say is porn or bad food or a boring read 
is _their_ opinion. All of this loose talk  in various recent posts 
about "could be grounds for a defamation suit" causes me to reach for 
my revolver.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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