
Judge puts brakes on Census Bureau
Attorney: 'Huge victory for the Constitution and for privacy-loving

   By Sarah Foster
   © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

   Americans who refuse to answer questions they consider invasive on
   their Census questionnaires will be able to sleep a little easier --
   at least for now.
   A federal judge ruled yesterday that the Census Bureau has no
   automatic right to ask questions felt to be personal or intrusive and
   that it cannot threaten or prosecute citizens who refuse to answer
   such questions.
   U.S. District Judge Melinda Harmon granted attorney Mark Brewer, of
   the Houston-based firm of Brewer and Pritchard, a temporary
   restraining order in a Census suit filed by five Houston, Texas,
   residents. Attorneys for the government conceded that none of the five
   plaintiffs will be subject to actual or threatened prosecution during
   this litigation which is expected to go to the U.S. Supreme Court.
   The ruling is especially far-reaching.
   "For the moment, this will prevent prosecution against any American
   who chooses not to answer questions other than the number of people
   living at their address -- that's all that's required by the
   Constitution," Brewer told WorldNetDaily. "It's a huge victory for the
   Constitution and for privacy-loving Americans, because we now have a
   ruling in a federal court case.
   "The Census Bureau cannot extract this information under threat of
   criminal prosecution -- that was the issue I presented to the court,"
   he said.
   The penalty for not answering each question asked on the forms is
   $100. False answers can cost up to $500 in fines.
   The five -- Edgar Morales, Laique Rehman, Nouhad Bassila, George
   Breckenridge and William Jeffrey Van Fleet -- are American citizens.
   Brewer said his clients are not part of any organized group, "though
   that is what people have assumed. They are just ordinary people who
   want to be counted, but who do not want to give up their privacy to do
   so. That's the bottom line."
   "What the court did today," Brewer explained, "was to order that the
   Bureau could neither threaten nor actually prosecute these people for
   not answering any question other than how many folks live at that
   address. It's the first time to my knowledge that this has happened in
   the 213 years since we've had a Constitution."
   As he put it, "We hit a home run."
   Recalling his day in court, Brewer said he told the judge she was "the
   only barrier standing between government on the one hand and these
   five -- I think very brave -- people and the American people generally
   on the other. I pointed out that the government lawyer had just told
   her that he can ask anything he darn near pleases -- where does it
   Almost as important as the ruling itself is that the government
   conceded that the plaintiffs have "standing," meaning they had a right
   to bring an action against the Census Bureau in the first place.
   "This removed what was potentially the biggest impediment to the case
   moving forward," said Brewer. "We're now looking forward to phase two,
   which is when the case will be submitted on summary judgement in two
   "This is what they call a three-judge court case," he explained. "It's
   federal, but it's a very unusual procedure. There are only a few
   instances where it's permitted by federal law, this being the primary
   one: pertaining to census and apportionment. The case is filed like
   any other case in federal court, then it is referred by the chief
   judge of the circuit."
   In this case, that's the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans, headed by Judge
   Carol King.
   Said Brewer, "The way it works is that when a motion of temporary
   restraining order is filed, which we did on March 23, the single judge
   that gets the initial assignment of the case can hear it. That's
   really about the only thing the judge can hear and rule upon. Then the
   three-judge court is convened and the case is submitted on trial --
   and here it's for a summary judgment because there's no dispute of the
   "Both sides have the right of appeal," Brewer continued, "and we're
   assuming they (the Census Bureau) will appeal it. And if we lose --
   we'll appeal it. Either way, it's on its way to the Supreme Court."
   Brewer is handling the case pro bono -- that is, without charge, but
   and for the public good.
   "One of the things I stressed to the judge," said Brewer, [is that]
   neither the plaintiffs nor I want to interrupt the census. To the
   contrary. I want to ensure its constitutional integrity and validity.
   But when you look at the lowered response rate, which by the Census
   Bureau's own admission is going to occur with the use of the long
   form, then you can only conclude that they are intentionally erecting
   a roadblock to getting an accurate count. They are intentionally
   sacrificing an accurate count in order to obtain information through
   statistics that they're not even entitled to obtain.
   "Unfortunately, we know the government is capable of misusing census
   data," he said. "The federal government was only able to find, round
   up and imprison Americans of Japanese ancestry in 1942 by the illegal
   use of Census Bureau data."

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