At Thu, 30 Mar 2000 21:35:03 +0200, Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>We are anonymously offering a FREE Netpliance I-Opener to whoever first 
>sucessfully hacks into DIGEX.  The Winner can opt to receive their prize
>as cash, $99 USD.  A panel of 5 independent judges will determine the 
>winner.  The deadline is April 15, 2000. 
>There are no other rules to this contest!  
>Anything goes!  Get cracking.

A few questions:

1. Since you're posting this anonymously, how do we know the offer is legitimate? 
 Maybe the folks debating trust models can help us out here.

2. Why $99 and not $100?  When you fix a selling price, you should round 
down.  When you offer a prize, you should round up.  Make it $100 and I 
might get serious.

3. Will you report the winnings to the IRS or RC?  If so, what will you 
use for a taxpayer identification number?

4. How will we know the judges are independent and not just one person using 
five aliases?

I think you're just trying to goad one of us into attempting this so that 
we can get busted for your own entertainment value.  Your messin' with THE 
Cypherpunks, Mister.  We're not easily fooled.


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