At 12:16 PM -0400 4/8/00, John Young wrote:
>We've got a global campaign going to get all the world's
>government agencies to use machines identified as such
>when using the Web for official business, and to cut out the
>sneaky use of one-way eyeshade. In the US the NSA and FBI
>are the guiltiest of not showing their badges when stinging and
>zinging their source of legitimacy.

Who is the "we" in this "We've got a global campaign going..."?

It is hopelessly naive to think that passing more unenforceable laws 
to allegedly force secret policemen to somehow show their identities 
is possible. It may make the sheeple more complacent.

Passing laws to tell secret policemen to reveal themselves. I'm sure 
the modern instantiations of Shin Bet, Savaak, the Staasi, the NKVD, 
and the numerous police state agencies in the Beknighted States are 
quaking in their jack boots.

The only real fixes are to use technology to make the secret 
policeman's job impossible and to use standard freedom fighting 
techniques to attack them in their lairs and deal with them en masse. 
The Final Solution, as it were.

Finally, can we please do something about this ridiculous 
cross-posting to so many groups? This message will be rejected by 
half of these private fiefdom mailing lists--they get to spam 
Cypherpunks but the Cypherpunks can't spam them back.

(Which makes me happy that several of them are apparently 
headquartered inside the blast radius around Washington, and downwind 
of the Sarin gas to boot. Where's Abu Nidal when we really need him?)

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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