steve mynott writes:

> "I'm a racist. I would say they're a clever race. I would say that as a
> race they are better at making money than I am.  That's a racist
> remark.  But they appear to be better at making money than I am.  If I
> was going to be crude, I would say not only are they better at making
> money, but they are greedy."

> "I am a Baby Aryan / Not Jewish or Sectarian / I have no plans to
> marry/ an Ape or Rastafarian."

> "there are so many Auschwitz survivors going around, in fact the number
> increases as the years go past, which is biologically very odd to say
> the least.  Because I'm going to form an Association of Auschwitz
> Survivors, Survivors of the Holocaust and Other Liars, or the
> A-S-S-H-O-L-S."

Irving apparently made quite a number of intemperate remarks after being
made the poster child for Holocaust denial by the usual suspects.

Not too smart, for someone who was planning on suing his critics for

Of course, none of this quarrel would exist, if we had Nazi film footage
of guards hurling naked Jews into bunkers, and dumping the contents of
containers clearly marked "Zyklon-B" on their heads, and index cards for
every Jew so processed, which could be easily counted by historians like

Absent that, and in the presence of some clearly bizarre and contradictory
eyewitness testimony, quarrels over the minutia of the Holocaust will
clearly continue for many years to come. 

I still don't think that someone who believes that the Nazis planned to
exterminate the Jews, do it with mass gassings, and that mass gassings
were carried out in some camps, should be labeled with a term like
"Holocaust Denier" simply because he disputes the numbers, details, or 
characterizes people who try to fuck with his career as assholes and lying
opportunists.  He is almost certainly criticizing their behavior, as
opposed to their religion or race. 

Irving has said that individual Jews he knows and associates with in
everyday life are perfectly nice people. 

Even if he doesn't want his sister to marry one, that's far different 
from saying he claims that the "Holocaust Didn't Happen."

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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