
>I agree with Peter in that Sealand may wish to consider adding a nuke to
>their budget of small arms. Nuclear powers are the only sovereigns that
>command any kind of respect from the other members in the club.

Kick that N up to BC arms so the start-up budget is doable. The cost of
a suitcase nuke is about that of a fully loaded 18-wheeler (~$150K) while
B or C fannypacks can be obtained for <10K. Say there are a half-
dozen sysadmins on Sealand (if any), each could wear one of these
which would activate if any server is improperly tampered with. Say 
you love the sysadmins, then have them wear BC protective suits 
under the fannypacks. Say you wonder if a sysadmin will freak
from seabreezed gullshit and mistakenly tamper with a server, then 
have the fannypack contain an injection kit that will VX the nut if a
PAL is mishandled. Say you wonder if all the sysadmins will freak
from bonephone attack by the TLAs, then ban headsets at work.
That will reduce the pool of employables to <1. If the servers
can indefinitely run without human intervention, pack Sealand
with Ebola strains, cover those containers with quilts of GB,
all rigged to activate with power loss or server tamper.

If this is uninteresting stick with interstate flattening of Beetles.

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