Jim, please do post whatever answers, if any, you get. And please change 
the list address. Toad.com is so, shall we say, 1997?


At 01:12 6/21/2000 -0700, jim bell wrote:

>Jim Bell
>June 19, 2000
>Court Clerk
>United States Circuit Court of Appeals
>Docket # CR 97-5270-FDB
>Dear Sirs:
>I am somewhat astounded that well over three weeks after I sent you a 
>letter (see copy enclosed; copies also sent to CC's below) I have received 
>NO response either from the Court Clerk of the 9th circuit court of 
>appeals, or Thomas Hillier of the Seattle/Tacoma area Federal public 
>Defenders office, or any other official about this letter. Perhaps the 
>fact that I am complaining about crooked lawyers has something to do with it.
>I guess I have to be even more plain than I was before. First, Attorney 
>Catherine Floit is apparently not going to represent me in this matter, 
>contrary to the orders of the 9th circuit court to Thomas Hillier. Nor 
>should she. I need a replacement attorney.
>Second, the person who the court ordered to select an attorney (Thomas 
>Hillier) is head of an office (Seattle Public Defenders) which has 
>colluded wit! ! ! h various Federal government agencies (US Marshals; 
>Tacoma prosecutors office; government investigators; ) to suppress an 
>investigation into an assault on me by fellow inmate (an, apparently, 
>informant) Ryan Thomas Lund (done on November 25, 1997) that was ordered 
>by various government investigators possibly including IRS investigator 
>Jeff Gordon. The public defender's office has also colluded with 
>prosecutors to suppress evidence being exposed at my December 12, 1997 
>sentencing that would incriminate various government investigators by 
>exposing their illegal bugging and wiretapping, illegal searches and 
>seizures, as well as exposing the government investigators' 
>politically-motivated infiltration of a Portland Oregon group called the 
>"Multnomah County Common Law Court" by a "plant" named Steve Wilson.
>Indeed, my previous attorney in this matter (Judith Mandel; a private 
>attorney who was chosen by the Seattle Public Defenders in a very unusual 
>move) was selected withou! ! ! t my input, was appointed against my 
>wishes, acted totally against my interests, neglected all of my 
>instructions, suppressed the exercise of my rights, and virtually hijacked 
>my entire defense each day of her representation. In a rather astounding 
>move and a quite possibly coordinated effort, she made a show of 
>attempting to resign at the beginning of the second day of my hearing in 
>early June 1999 (motivated primarily because she would not call three US 
>Marshals, or anyone else for that matter that I asked for, to testify 
>about planting evidence and retrieving illegal bugs on June 23, 1998) but 
>was ordered by Judge Franklin Burgess to remain.
>In effect, she was being inflicted on me. The fact that Mandel did not 
>file her resignation when she apparently knew she would be resigning, 
>which may have happened at least a week before the second day of the 
>hearing, appears to not have been an accident. Naturally, this meant that 
>my hearing went forward without any witnesses ! ! ! that I had repeatedly 
>demanded, witnesses who might have been called by an honest replacement 
>attorney, assuming that one could be found
>The problem at this point is that the person who would otherwise be in 
>charge of the office selecting an attorney for me has, in common with 
>practically every other government employee involved with this case, a 
>crucial interest in seeing these events (and others as well) covered up 
>and not investigated. Any fair re-hearing of my case will necessarily 
>involve a complete examination of the roles of Mr Hillier, Peter Avenia, 
>and other attorneys in the Public Defender's office in connection with the 
>Ryan Thomas Lund incident as well as others. It would be quite a conflict 
>of interest for Mr. Hillier or anyone else in his office to select a 
>replacement attorney at this point. Already, Mr. Hillier seems to 
>recognize this, which is why he is not replacing Catherine Floit.
>While I could go on with further details, and will certainly ! ! ! do so 
>if you ask, I believe that I have told you enough to communicate that 
>there is a great deal of dirty activity associated with my case, on the 
>government's side. I am sending copies of this and my previous letter to 
>various regional newspapers, to ensure that your court's knowledge of this 
>situation is well-established for the future.
>With Concern,
>James D. Bell
>Jim Bell
>May 24, 2000
>Court Clerk
>United States Circuit Court of Appeals
>Docket # CR 97-5270-FDB
>Dear Sirs:
>I would like to protest the inaction and delay of Thomas W. Hillier, 
>Federal Public Defender, 1111 Third Ave, Suite 1100 Seattle Washington 
>98101. He was served with an order, 99-30210, copy included, filed March 
>13, 2000, which directed him to appoint a counsel to represent me in the 
>above-numbered case. Only over a month later, in late April (approximately 
>April 30) I received my first and so far only letter from attorney 
>"Catherine Floit," which as I recall was dated no later than April 19.
>It is now May 24, and essentially NOTHING has been accomplished, and there 
>is good reason to believe that this is purely intentional on the parts of 
>both Mr. Hillier and Floit. I am alleging fraud and collusion (with 
>various other government agents including prosecutor and investigators) by 
>Peter Avenia and his replacement, Judith Mandel, in their original 
>mis-representation of me! ! ! up to and including approximately June 3, 
>1999. I am demanding of Mr. Hillier that these allegations and supporting 
>evidence be fully investigated and included in the appeal, which I believe 
>will incriminate not merely Avenia and Mandel, but the process by which 
>Mr. Hillier selected and selects attorneys for this case.
>I am also accusing government officials or investigators of making a deal 
>with fellow inmate Ryan Thomas Lund (DOB 10/27/71, BOP# 27329-086) to have 
>him assault me, which he did on November 25, 1997, for the purposes of 
>putting me in SHU ("the hole") thus limiting my telephone access to 
>attorneys, investigators, and others, as well as extorting my very 
>hesitant approval of a phony, crooked plea agreement shortly before my 
>final sentencing on December 12, 1997. There is also a current attempt by 
>staff at the Tacoma Federal Public Defender's office to cover-up the 
>existence of an investigation into this and other issues by Sharon Callas, 
>who worked for Peter ! ! ! Avenia, in which she drove 130+ miles and 
>visited the Portland Metro area in about January 1999. Thomas Hillier now 
>claims that no investigation report exists, and Sharon Callas is 
>mysteriously unavailable for consultation on this matter. I believe that 
>Callas discovered material that incriminated various people, and they are 
>helping to suppress that information.
>I believe that Mr. Hillier is attempting to "run out the clock" on this 
>matter, and Catherine Floit is carrying out his wishes in this matter. 
>There is much research and preparation left to be done, and so far I am 
>essentially unrepresented despite the court's March 13 Order. I request 
>that that all scheduled deadlines so far set be set aside due to this turn 
>of events. I am anxious to prepare a real, genuine appeal in my case, one 
>that actually addresses the serious issues involved. I am being prevented 
>from doing so unfairly.
>James D. Bell
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