At 9:13 AM -0700 6/21/00, Lizard wrote:
>I do not know of any libertarian or right-anarchist who believes a
>capitalist society can exist without some means of demanding
>compensation for fraud. If you contract to buy apples and I sell you
>potatoes instead, there must be some means of extracting justice.

Polycentric law. Make arrangements privately.

If you "contract" for a restaurant review, for example, and you are 
unhappy with the accuracy or usefulness of the review, then look to 
what arbitration or remediation arrangements you and the reviewer 
have made.

But don't ask _me_ or my neighbors to intervene in _your_ failure to 
make such arrangements.

As for how many libertarians or "right-anarchists" believe as I do, I 
know of many. Look around. Look into "The Machinery of Freedom" by 
Friedman and Benson's "The Enterprise of Law."

>>  As far as perpetual motion machines go, they are no less realistic
>>  than are the claims of most of the world's religions. I don't see
>>  libertarians intervening to block Catholics from believing in the
>>  miraculous powers of drinking the blood of Christ at mass, nor do I
>>  see them stopping Holy Rollers from handling snakes in tent churches.
>But the government IS (properly) forbidden from spending stolen tax
>dollars on religious rituals. So long as the government is purchasing
>such software to use in schools I am involuntarily funding, I have, at
>the least, the right to demand that it works as advertised.

Now you are bringing in another issue: your unhappiness about public 
school funds being used for such a product. This is a different issue 
from the "defamation" point you brought up earlier. Take it up with 
your school board, demand accountability, show them Declan's article.
>Oh, you're just miffed because I was right on Y2K.


--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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