On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:07:09 -0500
 Adam Back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick writes: 
> > Of further interest is the fact that I cannot access the FBI website
> > at all from the ZKS system.  I use US-based ZKS proxies, so in
> > effect the FBI is denying me, a U.S. taxpaying citizen, access to
> > the public FBI website (created with my money of course).  [...] I
> > think they are just ornery about the whole encryption/anonymity
> > thing.
> Surely that's easy to defeat: 
> 1) try different exit nodes to see if they have blocked all of them,
> each exit node IP belongs to the server operator ISP, so there's no
> fixed range they can block.

I have tried a number of servers, both ZKS-owned and third-party (but ZKS
affiliates), both US and foreign.  Same situation.  I usually get "The server
returned an invalid or unrecognized response."  I haven't done any packet
sniffing yet.

> 3) try freedom + anonymizer.com

Works fine.  I can only conclude that the FBI has made a specific effort to
block ZKS traffic.  Does this mean they have an "arrangement" with Anonymizer?

> It is kind of amusing that they are block freedom though :-) Don't
> they want anonymous tip-offs?

Maybe Mr. Freeh will weigh in personally again and offer an explanation.


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