At 01:44 09/09/2000 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:

>Not incorrect, but 2**256 possible keys gets you into
>age-of-the-universe territory for cracking.

Well yes, but better safe than sorry.. you never know when the next 
breakthrough might come that makes anything under 256bits "weak."  Not too 
likely I know, but doesn't hurt to keep that in mind.

>I'm not aware of one.  IDEA's "non-commercial" definitions have gotten
>fuzzier over the years, and it's patented in lots of places.
>Avoid Misty.  Several of the AES candidates had policies of
>"it's patented now but if we're the AES winner you can all use it for free",
>which means you won't really know licensing issues until NIST picks a winner.

Ah.. I'll just have to keep digging myself.. maybe I'll put together a page 
of my own for this purpose.  It's aggravating having to dig all over the 
place for this kind of info.

What's the deal with Misty?



PGP Key Fingerprint:
446B 7718 B219 9F1E 43DD  8E4A 6BE9 D739 CCC5 7FD7

Available from ldap://

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