Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 12:29:18 -0700
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Farber), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Gaylor),
         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PFD Moderator Lauren Weinstein)
From: Jim Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FWD fyi: Trisys' new Insight - tracks employee web use...

Just received this from a p.r. person.


>Hi Jim,
>...  Trisys has recently announced Insight, a new software 
>application that monitors PC use by offsite and onsite employees. 
>Insight resides on individual workstations, tracking data such as 
>amount of time spent using specific applications, mouseclicks, Web 
>sites visited, time spent on Internet pages and more.
>It provides an accurate picture of employee PC use while the 
>employee is on company time, regardless of whether the worker is 
>telecommuting from home via a company computer, on the road using a 
>company laptop, or at his or her desk in the office.  Insight can 
>greatly increase the workplace effectiveness of employees while also 
>decreasing the risk of corporate liability due to inappropriate or 
>illegal use of computers on the job.
>Belinda Maldonado
>S&S Public Relations
>718 320-4898
>Belinda Maldonado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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