
I don't know about you but, about a year ago, I was:
(a) a newbie to the Internet
(b) convinced that I should be jumping on the 
    Internet bandwagon
(c) ignorant about where I should start, and
(d) desperate to earn some funds

Every day I surfed the net and joined newbie and 
business newsgroups hoping to find something that 
would let me earn money while I learnt to develop and 
promote an Internet business.

Frankly, I didn't know where to start.  I scanned 
endless sites and promotional emails that promised me 
"immediate" and mega-sized internet earnings.  And I 
purchased a three or four Internet marketing programs/
systems costing between $79 and $199 each.  

Boy, was I disillusioned when I studied them!  

What I received was page after page of "Internet Gurus" 
patting each other on the back; trying to sell other 
products which should have been part of the product in 
the first place;  their cronies' products; pages filled 
with irrelevant padding, or large areas of blank white 
space bigger than USS Nimitz's flight deck, so that 
their "manual" weighed at least 5 lbs (once you have 
spent an hour downloading it and printing it out)!  
They didn't help me one bit and I spent money I could 
ill afford to spend.

Been there?  I am sure you have!

But I wasn't prepared to give up.  I knew if just 
could get my foot in the door, I'd start earning 
enough to develop my own business on the Internet.

When you know very little about a subject its much 
more difficult to make a judgement about what might be 
a good product or system and what might be a load of 
garbage. Maybe something someone hashed together the 
night before in order to make a quick buck online 
conning the likes of us.  Frankly, there are so many 
get-rich-quick scams around on the Internet that you 
become very, very wary.

So when I saw this short ad offering an Internet 
earn-as-you-learn system, I was pretty sceptical.  
At first, I wasn't prepared to pour more bucks down 
the drain.  But something about the sales letter that 
followed the ad caught my imagination.  

And besides, they were only asking US$20-00.  I thought 
to myself:  If I only pick up one useful tip, $20 is 
not much to pay!

So I purchased it.  I received an email with the URL 
within minutes. I decided to read the manual later 
when I had more time.  

And if you've read my website, you already know what 
happened. I lost the email somewhere in my system and 
"what's outa sight is outa mind".

I forgot all about it.  I returned to my never-ending 
quest of trying to find my Internet El Dorado.  I went 
back to all the time-wasting surfing and searching for 
a product which, if only I had realized at the time, 
I had in the 'box' in front of my nose.  I still kick 
myself for being such an idiot (first time) but I never 
learn from my mistakes.

A few months later I accidentally (!) found the email 
and, this time, I saved it somewhere I knew I would 
always find it again.

But I had seen so many other useless systems and 
programs in the meantime that preconception-itis had 
set in.  My stupid brain told me that what I had bought, 
lost and re-found would be just like all the other 
useless products.  How wrong can you get!

The key to this great little money-generating system 
sat unread for another 3 months in my computer (idiot 
- 2nd time!).

Finally common-sense prevailed.  I thought to myself: 
"You've paid for this system.  At least give it a try".  
So I did.  

And I've never looked back since!

Don't do what I did.  Don't miss out!

If I had known THEN what I know NOW I wouldn't have 
wasted months and bucks on other programs and offers.  
I would have been earning the kind of bucks I do now.  
Like $7,000 - $8,000 per month.  That's only $237 
average a day but it sure adds up quickly!  Don't be 
an idiot like I was!  

And don't have any preconceptions!

"Cut the history lesson, Christopher.  WHAT IS IT?"

The system's called Cookie Cutter << whoa there! 
No preconceptions, remember >> and it comes together 
with a product called Boot Camp.  Cookie Cutter lets 
you earn money almost immediately  while Boot Camp 
teaches you how to develop your own products and how 
to market these on the Internet.

Figuratively speaking, it consists of  three elements:

* An attention-grabbing ad (a selection supplied or 
  you can write your own)
* An order-inciting series of sales letters (again, 
  supplied or you can write your own)
* A training program called Boot Camp

The great thing about the system is that:
1.  it lets you earn money almost immediately
2.  it gives you all the tools and tips to develop your 
    CC business.
3.  it teaches you how to develop other products.
4.  it points you in the right direction and points 
    others to buy from you.

In addition to what you receive from Cookie Cutter, 
I'm offering, for a limited period only, three great 
bonuses for FREE if you purchase Cookie Cutter now.

You get my own personal FAST START EARNER - giving you 
Tips on how to start earning money immediately.  You'll 
soon achieve my average of $237 every day  ... or more!

You also get an E-Publication on Unique Ways to Get 
Free Online Advertising.

And you can download a free software program: Creating 
Profitable Classified Ads.


Don't do what I did originally and lose all that 
immediate income!  

Don't miss out!



Or if you want to have another look at my web site go to:


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