
News conference to highlight the negligence of the House of Representatives
to act on sensible gun safety proposals.
Participants: Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.; Rep. Nita Lowey,
     D-N.Y.; Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., and
     Nina Butts, Texans Against Gun Violence
Location: HC-5, U.S. Capitol. 1 p.m.
Contact: 202-225-3661

National Public Broadcasting/FRONTLINE and National Public Radio
Symposium on "U.S. Drug War Policy" for media and invited guests. Highlights:
  8:55 a.m. - Panel 1, "Treatment and Educations v. Prohibition and
Punishment"  10:10 a.m. - Panel 2, "Social Justice and the War on Drugs"
  11:45 a.m. - Barry McCaffrey, national drug czar, "Our Balanced Approach
to Drug Policy is Working"  2 p.m. - Panel 3, "The International War
on Drugs," broadcast live on NPR News' "Talk of the Nation"  3 p.m.
- Panel 4, "The Drug Business," broadcast live
Location: Georgetown University Law Center, New Jersey
     Ave., NW. 8:45 a.m.
Contact: To join broadcast discussions call 800-989-TALK;
     for information call Chris Kelly, 617-300-3375

Jeremy and Julia
Crime Subcommittee hearing on H.R.469, Jeremy and Julia's Law.
Location: 2237 Rayburn House Office Building. 1:30 p.m.
Contact: 202-225-3951 http://www.house.gov/judiciary

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
National Youth Summit to Prevent Underage Drinking, September 29-October
4. Highlights:  9:45 a.m. - Party Group #6  11 a.m. Closing General
Session: "So Now What Do We Do?"
Location: National 4-H Center, 7100 Connecticut Ave.,
     Chevy Chase, MD. 9:45 a.m.
Contact: 214-744-6233, ext. 216, or http://www.madd.org

Wall St. Journal
Technology Summit 2000: The Next Economy - Business, Public Policy
and the Internet.
Location: Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania
     Ave., NW.
Contact: 800-457-5766; http://www.tpsite.com/wsj_TS2000/program.html

Nortel Networks
Policy luncheon on the issue of "Exploring Broadband Possibilities."
Participants: Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; Clarence Chandran,
     COO, Nortel Networks and Elliot Maxwell, special
     adviser to the Secretary of Commerce for the
     digital economy
Location: 902 Hart Senate Office Building. 12 noon
Contact: Walter Kallaur, 202-508-3607 

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