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On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 08:42:02PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> At 11:20 PM -0400 10/11/00, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >http://www.cluebot.com/article.pl?sid=00/10/12/0326212&mode=nested
> >
> >    Bush Links Columbine Massacre to Internet Use
> >    posted by cicero on Wednesday October 11, @10:25PM
> >    from the sounds-a-lot-like-joseph-lieberman dept.
> >
> >    George W. Bush may have bested Al Gore in tonight's presidential
> >    debate, but it sure wasn't because of the governor's tech-savviness.
> >    Warned the Texas Republican, in response to a gun-control question:
> >    "Columbine spoke to a larger issue, and it's really a matter of
> >    culture. It's a culture that somewhere along the line we begun to
> >    disrespect life, where a child can walk in and have their heart
> >    turn dark as a result of being on the Internet and walk in and
> >    decide to take somebody else's life." It was undeniably a good,
> >    mushy, appeal-to-the-softhearted line, but the sheer schmaltziness of
> >    it is in questionable taste. For instance: Was the Net really to
> >    blame? Shouldn't even a "compassionate conservative" want to hold
> >    miscreants responsible for their own actions? And would the guv have
> >    offered the same warning to millions of Americans if the Columbine
> >    killers had, say, been regulars at the public library?
> >
> >Transcript is at:
> >http://www.cluebot.com/article.pl?sid=00/10/12/0326212&mode=nested
> This was a very small, and inconsequential, part of the debate/discussion.
> Had George Bush called for _Internet licensing_ in some concrete way, 
> comparable to the way Al Gore called for gun licensing, I would be 
> more concerned about Bush's comments. But he did not.

His statement reflects his total lack of any sort of intellignce.  I
don't interpret it as a policy statement.

> Throwing in a line about the Columbine creeps being influenced by the 
> Internet (or by Quake and Doom and other games, or by "The Matrix," 
> or by being spoiled suburban brats) is not the same as calling for 
> unconstitutional abridgments of freedoms.

You're right.  But only a dumbass would blame the Internet for student

> Normally I vote Libertarian. This year I may vote for Bush as a vote 
> for who will do me, us, and the Constitution the lesser damage of the 
> two. (All voting is about bang for the buck, about effectiveness of a 
> vote...an election is not about "voting for the best man," it is 
> instead about minimizing damage.)

- -- 
Nathan Saper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | http://www.well.com/user/natedog/
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