Perhaps this is one reason why Ralph Nader is reportedly drawing
crowds of 5,000 at rallies. He's active: Bashing Gore, attacking
corporations, etc. No philosophical twaddle (oh, it might have its
place but not in politics) about landing on someone's balcony and
trespass righs.


On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 10:44:18PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> (No time to write a piece on this, but perhaps the whole Libertarian 
> Party effort is foundering precisely because it has picked the "safe 
> and boring" route. Murray Rothbard, for example, has his arcane 
> theory about how people may not even take action when someone is 
> attacking them...until the attack has actually resulted in injury. 
> Many exposed to this kind of thinking, and the "inside baseball" of 
> ultra-boring LP conventions, probably lose interest in Libertarian 
> issues. Part of human nature, driven by evolutionary pressures, seems 
> to be an inclination to act decisively.)

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