On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 10:03:59AM -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 06:55:11 -0800
> >Subject: Zero-Knowledge Introduces Managed Privacy Services for Businesses
> >
> >
> >
> >Hi Declan,
> >Today, Zero-Knowledge Systems is introducing its Managed Privacy
> >Services (MPS) offering to solve the privacy challenges
> >that businesses face in today's privacy-conscious business
> >environment.
> >
> >Privacy is good business. Companies in every industry are
> >realizing they must institute the proper privacy policies,
> >practices and infrastructures in order to succeed in
> >today's digital economy. Zero-Knowledge Managed Privacy
> >Services provides the tools and strategies that enable
> >business to establish private customer relationships and
> >earn consumer trust while ensuring legislative compliance
> >and mitigating risk.
                                      legistlative Compliance...
Guess Lew Giles or the CSE came to visit

look at the following

>MPS will incorporate third party verification and split
>encryption key structures, as well as provide consumers
>with access to white papers, independent auditors' reports
>or other materials that assure a company is doing what it 

third party verification and split encryption key structures,

                              Here we get to the meat of the issue... the
item that NAI tried to force down our throats...Corporate Key Escrow..
this time via key splitting... Shades of the NSA Key!!

    Sick em Adam!!
    A cypherpunk whois tiring of government schemes to shell out
    privacy companies.
p.s. that freedom source code 2.0 for linux I was porting to BSD I guess will go
into the bit bucket!! 1984 speak my ass!!

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