Interesting take, Declan. Which highlights how most of
natsec-developed technology entering the market gets the
benefit of dual-use regulation. Janus the model.

Self-policing is a kissing cousin of self-censorship, both
pretend at keeping the fuzz out of private affairs by pretending
to be doing nothing worth official attention. And both need
regular contact with cops to assure that all is in order,
give or take a few handovers of those who go too far, whose
names just happened to pop up in this handy snitch

Banks and telecomms been doing the snitch not nearly
as long as the church, rather the state snitching to the
church, depending on who's in charge of the day's
inquisition. (Interesting stuff in recent books on Vatican
and global intel services regular kiss-kissing.)

Austin promised a few months back, I believe here, that
he would keep us informed of his meetings with law
enforcement officials. I must have missed those reports
among the pr downpour. This is not to say that he
did not report to select customers on how those 
briefings are going. 

Question is which cpunks at ZKS will be handed over
to assure displeased oversighters.

And who there will smile among themselves at the gullible 
fools' failure to see what realists always claim is obvious 
behind the cloak of successful wedding of business and 
government and foolsgold faith that it can never ever
happen here, not so long as I'm around (the refrain at
PGP, and others of the trusted second party).

Young men and a few women die all the time for they know
not what strategy considered them expendable -- in the national
interest, lately, but traditionally to assure rule-makers they are
quite exceptional to the rules.

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