Source? TV show? Date? Transcript?


On Sat, Nov 04, 2000 at 10:20:10PM -0600, Gary Jeffers wrote:
> My fellow Cypherpunks, The following is interesting.
> find string: Connie Chung
> A good example of the tremendous degree to which the major news media 
> organizations are called to heel is seen in the facts surrounding the two 
> year hiatus in the professional career of CBS broadcaster Connie Chung, who 
> had the misfortune to have ended up being paired with Dan Rather several 
> years ago.
> On a live call-in TV talk show some two years ago, Ms. Chung responded with 
> a bit too much candor to a question as to what actually gets reported 
> publicly by the major news media, given the great number of stories and 
> items which come from the numerous sources of "raw" information. How are the 
> stories which get the attention of the media chosen and by whom?
> Connie Chung replied to the effect that it wasn't too hard to decide what 
> stories get aired--they just checked with Washington D.C. to see what had 
> been cleared for publication by the government.
> As a result of her being foolish enough to tell the truth in what was likely 
> just a naive, probably unintentional and inadvertent slip, within no more 
> than a few hours Ms. Chung was out of a job and remained blacklisted in the 
> industry for a good two years, only resurfacing in 1998 with a position at 
> ABC--sufficiently chastened, some no doubt believe, to allow her to grace 
> the public airwaves once again.
> Yours Truly,
> Gary Jeffers
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