Another Tier-1 ISP giving spammers guaranteed ability to spam without being
terminated.  This time it is PSI...

-----Original Message-----
From: Spam Prevention Discussion List
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Linford
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 11:26 PM
Subject: MEDIA: The PSINet Pink Contract

Re: CNET Story: PSINet assailed as spam contract surfaces

We have had a copy of this second pink contract for a few days but were
unable to prove where it came from and so had not published it. However as
CNET has independently verified its authenticity with both the spam outfit
and PSINet, I'll append the full text of the contract below.

I found the following clauses particularly serious:

    Paragraph 2: PSINet acknowledges that this is a contract to allow
    "Opt-out commercial email" (i.e: Spam) to be sent "in mass quantity"
    by the customer, which PSINet acknowledges is in the spam business.

    Clause 2: PSINet agrees that "Opt-out commercial email" (i.e: Spam)
    will be sent "in mass quantity" from the customer's PSINet line.

    Clause 3: PSINet will pass all spam complaints straight to the spam
    outfit. (We know from experience that under these contracts PSINet's
    US abuse desk will send a "the matter has been dealt with" autoreply
    to Internet users, which will deliberately deceive users that the
    have been terminated. We also know that PSINet's US abuse desk knows
    that we know it does this.)

    Clause 8: PSINet agrees that the spam outfit will also spamvertize
    their web sites.

    Clause 9: This is a "danger money" clause in which PSINet wants an
    non-refundable up-front payment of $27,000 "for PSINet's increased
    risks associated with this Agreement" and states this payment will NOT
    be applied towards the customer's fees.

I think the ISP community as a whole needs to reexamine it's ethics. The
contracts we're finding show that far from regulating themselves some US
backbones are colluding with spammers to profit off the spam problem.
Although I can't prove it, I know this same case exists with the Empire
Towers spammers on OarNet and Qwest (ET even tell their customers they
'buy' the providers ethics, purchasing large lines in exchange for the
provider looking the other way). Perhaps even more disturbing for me is
that these contracts can't exist without the collusion of the provider's
abuse desk, as these contracts rely on the abuse desk eating complaints and
fobbing users off.


    [PSINet logo]

    Special Addendum to
    PSINet Order Form Standard Terms and Conditions

    This Addendum reflects agreement by the parties on the following
    modifications to the PSINet Order Form Standard Terms and
    Conditions  (hereinafter the 'Agreement') by and between PSINet
    Inc. and Cajunnet, Inc., a Louisiana Corporation ('Customer')
    dated of even date herewith. Collectively, Cajunnet and PSINet
    are herein referred to as the "Parties". Except as expressly
    stated herein, all other aspects of the Agreement shall remain
    in full force and effect including capitalized terms which shall
    carry the same definitions as specified in the Agreement.

    WHEREAS, Cajunnet is in the business of sending opt-in and
    opt-out commercial e-mail; commercial email being defined as the
    sending of e-mail in mass quantity to notify the recipients of
    products and services which are being offered to the public; and

    WHEREAS, under a separate agreement, the Parties have agreed and
    contracted whereby PSINet will provide Customer a DS-3 trunk
    line for the operation of its opt-in and opt-out commercial
    e-mail business as a tier one provider; and

    WHEREAS, the Parties wish to provide, in this Addendum, an
    outline of Cajunnet's use of the DS-3 line in its opt-in and
    opt-out commercial e-mail business;

    THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:

    1.   Customer will not use the DS-3 line to send any e-mail or
    other mass unsolicited electronic mailing which contains
    pornography or any other illegal products or services.

    2.   Customer will send commercial e-mail only to opt in and
    opt out lists and will offer to the receiver of such e-mail the
    option to be removed from any such list.

    Customer shall set up a 24x7 Abuse Team that PSINet can contact
    to handle all complaints by any recipients of such e-mail. All
    complaints shall be responded to within two hours of receipt in
    the same form that PSINet would handle them.  Any recipients who
    register a complaint regarding the receipt of such e-mail shall
    be removed from Customer's e-mail database within twenty-four
    (24) hours.All abuse complaints will be answered by an auto
    responder with an assigned ticket #. PSINet will be issued a
    toll-free 24 hour number they can contact. If any complaints are
    received by PSINet, PSINet will forward in its entirety
    (unchanged) to Cajunnet's abuse account on a 24 hour service. If
    person sends multi complaints, it will be considered as one

    4.   At the request of PSINet, within twenty-four (24) hours,
    Customer will provided PSINet with a list and sample of all
    commercial e-mails which have been sent by Customer over the
    DS-3 line within the most recent fifteen (15) day period.

    5.   Customer will adhere to any and all federal guidelines and
    regulation governing the sending of commercial e-mail as for a
    tier one provider.

    6.   In the event that PSINet proves that Customer is in
    default under this or any related agreement between the Parties,
    PSINet may terminate Customer's service upon 10 business days
    notice if written proof is given. Customer will with all due
    diligence try to correct problem within 24 hours. If PSINet
    receives any indication that Customer is continuing to violate
    PSINet's policy within this ten business day  period, PSINet
    shall immediately terminate Customer' use of the DS-3 line.

    7.   Both Parties acknowledge that the corporate representative
    signing below is duly authorized to execute this Agreement on
    behalf of the respective party.

    8.   Customer will also host sites that it is advertising for on
    the same line.

    9.   Customer shall provide PSINet with a deposit of Twenty Seven
    Thousand dollars ($27,000) upon the execution of the Agreement
    to provide for PSINet's increased risks associated with this
    Agreement.  Customer acknowledges that this is a non-refundable
    deposit that shall not be applied towards Customer's monthly

    Customer's acceptance of this Addendum is indicated by signature
    below; PSINet's acceptance is indicated by proposal of this
    Addendum in its initial format.

    Customer:   Cajunnet, Inc.





    PSINet Inc., 44983 Knoll Square, Ashburn, VA 20147

  Steve Linford
  The Spamhaus Project

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