On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Tim May wrote:

> On CNN I watched the election results coming in. They always listed 
> four candidates: Bush, Gore, Nader, and Hagelin. The usual format was 
> Bush/Gore on the "crawl" at the bottom of the screen and then a 
> second page with the crawl having Nader/Hagelin.
> Sometimes Buchanan was listed.
> It sure looked like Hagelin was doing better than Browne, the 
> Libertarian Party candidate.
> Well, here's what the "Washington Post" is reporting as the nearly 
> final tally for the lesser candidates:
> Harry Browne (Lib.)   0       373,109         0 
> Howard Phillips (CST)         0       98,224  0 
> John Hagelin (NLP)    0       87,914  0 
> James Harris (SWP)    0       11,190  0 
> L. Neil Smith (Lib.)  0       5,181   0 
> Monica Moorehead (WW)         0       4,245   0 
> David McReynolds (Soc.)       0       4,097   0 

Browne was the un-canidate in this election.  The press went out of their
way to avoid mentioning or reporting on him in any way, shape or form.

When Harry Browne held a rally in Portland, the Oregonian (the
newspaper for Portland) did not mention it at all.

Buchannon (who gets MUCH less of the vote here than just about anyone)
recieved much more press than he did.

Maybe it is because he is not a member of the New Bavarian Conspiracy, the
Conspiracy of Bavarian Seers, or the Ancient Baverian Conspiracy.

It is similar to what happened with Measure 3 here. Measure 3 requires
that they actually convict a person before walking off with everything he
owned.  During the election coverage, there was no mention of it even
being on the ballot. I had to go to a web site that had the totals. It won
by a 2 to 1 vote, yet was not declared as winning until the next morning,
long after ballot measures with similar margins had been declared as
having passed. And it was not just one station or newspaper that did it
either.  It was ignored by every station that I watched that night.
(Which was most of them, because they kept repeating themselves after a

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