At 11:28 AM +0000 11/13/00, Ken Brown wrote:
>Tim May wrote:
>>  The solution has been obvious for a long time: absentee ballots must
>>  be received by the close of business on the polling day. Those who
>>  know they are going to be out of their voting area must mail their
>>  ballots in time to arrive. This eliminates this particular hazard.
>When I was listening to the news last Tuesday it took me a while to
>realise that this *wasn;'t* the case. It seems so sort of obvious you'd
>think it would have been adopted years ago.

Yeah, it's bizarre. Absentee ballots are still arriving from overseas 
locations (and other states, though the USPS is pretty efficient 
these days and most should have arrived by last Thursday if they were 
actually postmarked by Tuesday). Some of the ballots from Qatar, 
Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Israel, and all of the other various places are 
presumably still sitting in post offices in Dushambe, Timbuktu, and 
Haifa. And some are on transport planes. And some are now in the post 
offices in Florida.

Hell, Yahood Barak may have even brought in some of the Florida 
absentee ballots on ZOG Force One. Any doubts about what Shin Bet and 
Mossad managed to do with those absentee ballots once the closeness 
of the election was established while the absentee ballots were still 
on ZOG soil?

I was amused to see the "high security" on the absentee ballots 
received by the election offices: a wooden box with a _Masterlock_ 
key lock, one of those $3.99-for-two locks one sees at Home Depot or 
the local hardware store.

Forget "National Technical Means" to get through these locks...any 
two-bit thief could pick one of these locks and either alter the 
ballots or insert new ones. (Spoiling the ballots of one's opponent 
would be a lot easier.)

The election may hinge (see my post on "Causality and Close 
Elections") on these uncounted absentee ballots sitting in Florida.

Of course, it is now looking very likely that the "hand count in 
heavily Democrat-trending counties" will prevail. As all numerate 
folks have noted, resampling of selected counties is inherently 
biased. The Democrats _will_ pick up a few thousand more votes over 
what Bush picks up, just as the Republicans might have picked up a 
few thousand more votes over the Democrats had a Republican-leaning 
county like Duval County been resampled manually.

Which is just as well. I'd rather see Al Gore and his New York tag 
team of Alan Dershowitz and Lawrence Tribe steal this election. Then 
we can get on with the business of "scorced earth" and sending 
hundreds of thousands of these criminals to the wall.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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