
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
News conference to introduce a plan to address defending the U.S. homeland.
Participants: Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., chairman, Select
     Committee on Ethics; Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa.;
     Joseph Collins, project director, CSIS; Dan
     Goure, deputy director, CSIS International
     Security Program and Frank Cilluffo, deputy
     director, CSIS Global organized Crime
Location: 106 Dirksen Senate Office Building. 10:30 a.m.
Contact: 202-775-3186

Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)
Special session to consider and adopt 1999-2000 national and hemispheric
reports on anti-drug efforts progress throughout the Americas, December
11-15. Highlights:  9 a.m. - Closed session  1 p.m. - Closing session,
open to media  2 p.m. - News conference
Location: Organization of American States (OAS), 17th
     St. and Constitution Ave., NW, Hall of the
     Americas. 9 a.m.
Contact: Janelle Conaway, 202-458-6841

Heritage Foundation
Annual Heritage/Talkers Forum, featuring radio talk show hosts from
both sides of the political spectrum on "Setting the Agenda for the
New Administration."
Location: Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave.,
     NE, Lehrman Auditorium. 12 noon
Contact: 202-608-6143, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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