On 6/9/16, Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The problem is getting the software in the first place.
> Popcorn Time #1 got bullied off the web, then sprouted
> two forks, neither of which could keep a stable url.
> So you better not have a single hitch in your web server. Otherwise that
> will be the first thing to go, and you'll end
> up wasting the rest of your development time playing
> cat-and-mouse across dns, onion addys, etc.

You missing greater part of the subject and context...
Competent services and users can't be bullied off of
anonymous overlay networks by anyone except perhaps
GPA's that have nothing better to do. Clearnet is a joke
compared to that general caveat. Which is why bittorrent
is moving into the overlays... yes, they're tired of wasting
their time with bullies and they have better things to do,
including building and using stable, resistant, systems.
That's just ops, is not giving up, but continuing to better
advancing any of their philosophical ideas on piratepartiet,
privacy, etc.

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