On Fri, 24 Jun 2016 11:48:50 -0500

psychoquinn <skqu...@rushpost.com> wrote:

> With freedom of speech, comes freedom to decide what to ignore. To
> flood a mailing list with off-topic and garbage posts, intrudes upon
> the freedom of speech 

        dude, you can't be that retarded 
        There's no way for A's freedom of speech to intrude upon B's
        freedom of speech. 

        The only way to 'intrude' upon freedom of speech is by means of


> for the participants of that list who want to
> discuss the named topic.

        the named topic of your cesspool is 'tor' and that's why I
        discussed. I discussed your fake anonimity network and your
        criminal activites related to it.

        Not to mention, there have been probably hundreds of people
        posting 'off topic' garbage and none were banned. 

        But we all know what kind of retarded fraud you are quinn.
        Your 'arguments' aren't exactly surprising nor valid.


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