OK, a few facts first, to try to pre-empt some standard responses (to
whoever ends up reading this):

I am pro-Russian, from points of view including the following:

   - That which I perceive as a "higher human intention" permeating the
     Russian psyche, Russian history and the "Russian ethos".

   - Putin is unimpeachable. He has never taken any bribe, is patriotic
     for his nation, loves his people, speaks truth, and encourages
     Russians, and the entire world, to stand for a better world -
     seriously, can we ask for a better leader? in ANY country?

   - Russians (in general) do not say "I, human, am the greatest and
     highest thing in existence" - such arrogance is not the Russian
     Russians allow for things or consciousnesses or beings of greater
     capacity, things yet unknown to the mind of man, for higher
     possibilties for "man" and "soul";
     as true scientists, Russian souls are open to higher possibilties,
     potential and actual realities, holding as true that we are more
     than reproducing worms.
     No matter -how- great any "scientific achievement," humility in the
     face of the extraordinary-ness of this existence is maintained.

   - As at right now, the multi-polar world vision is the only hope we
     have for a reasonable power balance in this world.
     Anarchists or those desiring direct democracy, the "true"
     socialists and "true" communists, and even the communalist Rojavans
     - none have the mind share to cause a significant stand against
     America the hegemon!
     Perhaps in the future, we can attempt to move towards something
     even better than a multi polar nationalistic world, who knows - I
     certainly hope for greater possibilities, but right now, America is
     absolutely despotic in its actions, and its collective despotic
     hegemonic intention, MUST be stopped.

The hegemon must be stopped.

The world is in the middle of a major war at the moment, and most
sheeple don't see this war for the future 'world order' - they see
"localised" military wars only - Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc. But the real
war is a war of wills, the war of empire - the American hegemonic
intention vs the "global south" (as Pepe Escobar calls it) and this
"global south"'s multi-polar intention.

I say this multi-polar possibility, in the framework of nations, MICs
and governments (which predominate the world today), is the only current
hope for a balance of powers in this world, for the possibility of one
or a group of countries opposing a demonic / evil intention of another
very powerful country (right now, it is America and its endless
domination of the rest of the planet, in the future, it may be some
other wanna-be hegemon).

Saddam Hussein had the gall to think he could throw off his CIA
overlords (who put him in power in the first place) and start selling
oil for Euros, ditching the US dollar. Are you kidding me?

Muammar Gaddhafi was slowly building a physical gold base reached over
120 tonnes (small by some national standards, very large by Canadian
standards) and he consistently promoted an arabic world "gold dinar"
currency. And what happened when he started to try to sell oil for
currencies other than US dollars?

That's right, America, France and the UK piled in to bust up his party.

The hegemon must be stopped.

Putin is the only true statesman on the world stage today. Now I'm sure
some will disagree with this, but if you wish to suggest the contrary to
me, please bring with you AT LEAST ONE FACT. There are first hand
reports where Americans studying him for many years from within Russia
have stated "yeah, we haven't been able to find a single instance of
Putin accepting a bribe" for just one of many examples.

And if you can find an actual fact that shows an evil deed done by
Putin, an example of corruption by his own hands, I will be very
surprised, and will question and research your source - so be prepared to
be absolutely certain about your purported fact.

The only fact I have that goes anywhere near this is the current Russian
legislation making its way towards law which shall require backdoors in
all encryption software sold (perhaps used?) in Russia - I hope it's not
signed into law, but if it is, it is hard to deny Russia parity with the
"glorious" West, in the face of the endless attempts to overthrow
nations both near to Russia, and in other continents, and Russia itself!

American government's intention to split Russia up the guts is
documented by America itself. Poor Soros, he is currently failing with
this particular intention, and we ought be very very grateful this is

As many of us have now read many times, by American mouths,
"Ukraine's recent Maidan was the most blatant coup in history", and
America, mostly via the CIA, has been attacking nation after nation,
democratically elected leader after democratically elected leader in
foreign nations around the world, since WWII. America is the epitome of
a hegemonic empire nation running amok - and sadly, no one even
attempts to dispute this very sad fact...

With the quantity, quality and intensity of mud slinging propaganda
against USSR (since WWII), against Russia since the USSR's collapse, and
against Putin in his time, it is so very easy for us Western schooled
humans to accept that "some of the mud just MUST be true", e.g. "oh
well, this particular Western lie has been exposed, but you know, Putin
is still really bad, and Russia is just murderers and drunkards, like all
the way down like".

No there might not be any truth to the "bad Russians, bad Putin" meme!

Perhaps they're fellow humans?

Perhaps they're in fact really fine humans, and real humans?

Perhaps their current leader is pretty damn great, by any and all
international, national and local, Christian, and any other, standards?

Perhaps the current collective Russian vision of a multi polar world is
in fact the best thing for all of us on this planet, given the current
despotic intentions of America and the deep hegemon (UK, France, etc -
the Western oligarchic elite power brokers)?

We can call this "Russians simply MUST be bad" meme, "the Western
apologist". I.e. the Western apologist is he or she who cannot break the
mold of the Western MSM propaganda, and so has convinced himself that
"although I have not seen an actual fact to say so, it must be true that
Putin is somehow bad, since, you know, he's in government and no one in
government can be trusted anyway, and he's, he's, he's Russian! so he
MUST be bad!"

Read Putin's Crimea speech!

Read Putin's recent anniversary address to the United Nations!

In fact, READ ANY SPEECH OF THE current president of russia,
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, aka VVP!

Read his words! Watch him on youtube!

Please, form your own assessment! Create an opinion for yourself, which
is not my opinion, not the MSM opinion, but is your own, personal,
opinion. Please.

Utopian society cannot be formed instantaneously, and may never be had
generally on this old earth - we have largely despotic democracies
prevailing around the world (despotic because often selfish people
stand for election (they demonstrate their selfishness by their


- we have to move forward from WHERE WE ARE NOW - what is the best way
to move forward from where we are now?!!

Any possibility for balancing the out of control American Military
Industrial Complex hegemon, is a blessing which we ought seize with both

Bring on the multi-polar world. Let's do our bit towards at the very
least, this proposed balance of powers in the world!

The hegemon must be stopped...

And now, for today's particular Western lie exposed (sadly, just another
of so many):

Major Allegations Against Russian President Now Being Questioned (Part
Putin, it turns out, was "probably" not responsible for the murder of
Alexander Litvinenko.
Dr. Julia Svetlichnaja

Thankfully, with the internet, more and more of the Western lies are
being exposed.

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