On 07/04/2016 06:18 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> Happy 4 July!!!
> Long live the 'merican dream, long live the NSA!!!
> The founding fathers based slavery mainly on skin color.
> Nowadays every a'merican has _equal_ opportunity of slavery,
> this is how progress works AFAICT.

America never had a revolution. Revolutions are based on ideology. Greed
is NOT an ideology.

Ben Franklin on the roots of that Greed:

"Sir, there are two passions which have a powerful influence on the
affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice; the love of power, and
the love of money. Separately each of these has great force in prompting
men to action; but when united in view of the same object, they have in
many minds the most violent effects.

Place before the eyes of such men, a post of honor that shall be at the
same time a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to
obtain it. The vast number of such places it is that renders the British
Government so tempestuous. The struggles for them are the true sources
of all these factions which are perpetually dividing the Nation,
distracting its Councils, hurrying sometimes into fruitless and
mischievous wars, and often compelling a submission to dishonorable
terms of peace.

And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable
pre-eminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention,
the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of
characters? It will not be the wise and moderate; the Iovers of peace
and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and
the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in
their selfish pursuits.

These will thrust themselves into your Government and be your rulers.
And these too will be mistaken in the expected happiness of their
situation: For their vanquished competitors of the same spirit, and from
the aame motives will perpetually be endeavoring to distress their
administration, thwart their measures, and render them odious to the
people." ~Benjamin Franklin, Opposition to Executive Salaries,
Constitutional Convention June 2 1787


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