On 7/9/16 1:27 AM, Steve Furlong wrote:
> > "The West" - an absolute disgrace to Humanity!
> ... he says, using a communication medium invented by The West.

And empowered by freedom and free speech invented and protected by The West, 
and the US in particular.  It seems likely that the
degree of free speech in other Western countries came about, was extended, 
and/or was protected because of the US First Amendment. 
There was some existing precedent, and some countries have had various 
restrictions, but the impenetrable First Amendment provided
the most firm model.  Every aspect of interpretation had to be fought about, 
especially including encryption and encryption
technology, sometimes with kind of funny results.  The fact that electronic 
source code was restricted while the same code printed
in a book couldn't be restricted at all kind of broke some arguments.

Everything about the Internet could have been worse, and would have been had it 
evolved any other way.  It's not just because it
started in the US, but because of the people involved, the peculiar 
restrictions of DARPA funding, think tank goals, and the
telecommunications monopoly that ATT had at the time, along with their 
inability to believe that packet switching had any value over
circuit switching.  We are very lucky, and we owe a lot to a small set of 
people who made many great choices.

By contrast:

The US, and much of the West, fought all this out 20 years ago.

Let's expand this idea, which I posted on the 6th:
> From that, you can derive a number of reasons to support and/or be aware of 
> and/or use the techniques from cypherpunks.  For
> instance, you could look at the US as being largely based on 
> free-speech-anarchism, as per the First Amendment.  Based on that,
> and perhaps borrowing from the Second, Fourth Amendments and other sources, 
> you could easily justify an effort like cypherpunks. 
> In the 90's, Cypherpunks, individually and as a whole, were super important 
> to avoid things going the wrong way in the US.  It was
> important for clear-headed arguments to be made, legal and other challenges 
> mounted in just the right way, and education and code
> spread widely and evolved quickly.  Paranoid babble would not have helped, 
> and is still not helping.

Cypherpunks could only have survived and thrived and made a difference by being 
predominantly based in the US.  On the other hand,
it was helped along and strengthened by international participation, which 
probably tipped the balance in a number of cases.  The
balance of powers, freedom vs. Federal / police control, public vs. private, 
etc. all tend to come down on the side of the state and
against the individual or group if a country doesn't have airtight 
constitutional protections.  For instance, while France is
generally a nicely free country, it had been illegal to use encryption in a lot 
of cases in France until fairly recently:


Encryption and privacy is like tax law: You should understand what your rights 
are, where the lines are, and you're within your
rights to go right up to the line.  And, when something isn't right, you should 
be able to explain why precisely and work to fix
it.  We keep knocking down laws that, if they survived, would become templates 
for other countries.  A few things that slipped
through have proved that.

Which isn't to say that the US is perfect.  In many ways, the US is always 
imperfect, always in a squabble or fight about rights and
limits, land grabs or monopoly and healthy commerce; that's part of the design 
of the system and what enables it to generally work
and improve long term.  Things tend to go in the right direction eventually, 
catching up with or adopting best practices from
elsewhere.  It is a model of stable instability, noise that causes eventual 
escape from disoptimal minima / maxima.  A lot of other
systems are similar, but seeing some of them go bad, I wonder how many are 
missing the complete model of balance of powers needed
for more permanent stability and resiliency.  The quality of people involved 
can keep any system working somewhat for a while, or
conversely they can break a fairly good system.  The interesting measure, and 
the real measure of comparison, is whether a system is
elastic and resilient enough to handle extreme torque, failing in little ways 
gracefully while never failing overall, and still keep

One apparent exception, by many people's standards, is guns where historical 
decisions have a long throw.  As yet another resiliency
strategy, a kind of defense in depth at the state level, it may or may not 
still have some of the same effect.  We'll just have to
solve the problem of effective prevention of mental illness (and very bad meme 
sets) while suffering some attrition on that front. 
Solving those is hard, but extremely important and valuable.  Determined people 
don't need guns to kill other people, so I'm
skeptical that gun control helps much.  We're entering the age of building 
anything on demand starting only with information and/or
imagination, so the impulse of controlling the existence of things is going to 
rapidly become less effective.  Seems like we're
almost ready to seriously work on maintaining the quality of mental health and 
emotional health and culture.

This book, perused last night, seems to be on the right track, exploring that 
Natural Security: A Darwinian Approach to a Dangerous World


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