> On Jul 15, 2016, at 2:27 AM, Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net> wrote:
> On 07/14/2016 11:16 PM, Rayzer wrote:
> [ Ker-SNIP! ]
>> There's an "orchestrasted institutional slander campaign", by people who
>> have a bone to pick with ioerror, and it doesn't seem to be the 'bone'
>> that allegedly got rammed up their allegedly unwilling asses or else
>> there's be a police report from ONE OF THEM by now, and for your
>> information, NUTJOB, I have no friends that came from ANYTHING related
>> to computers or the industry. I make acquaintances with Libertarian
>> psychopaths (like you nutjob), I don't befriend them.
>> ArAr
> I have myself been declared a motherfucker by Juan's executive fiat,
> though not if I recall correctly a Statist Pig.  Perhaps this post will
> rectify that deficiency.  Only time will tell.
> Not everyone seems to be in agreement about how horrible ioerror is.
> His defenders include at least one individual who isn't afraid of
> disclosing information that she knows sounds "paranoid," in the process
> of disclosing her take on Jake.
> https://contraspin.co.nz/tag/jacob-appelbaum/
> https://suzi3d.com/
> The absence of any legal proceedings, criminal or civil, seems rather a
> big data point.  Lots of people are willing to throw stones, nobody is
> willing to face a potential perjury charge or countersuit.  Maybe nobody
> was actually harmed, beyond hurt feelings.
> Any male geek person with Our Mr. Applebaum's "celebrity" status who is
> also (in my heteronormative radical queer opinion) good looking, is very
> likely to avail himself of the sexual perquisites of social prestige.
> If that is the case with Our Mr. Applebaum, it would inevitably result
> in at least /some/ hurt feelings, even if he was a perfect fucking
> knight in shining armor - which he probably ain't, because who is?
> Pardon my macroaggression, but there is a very current Identity Politics
> fad for cutting all Male Pigs down to size, and its fan base demographic
> intersects with the fan base of everything that even looks "radical and
> culturally cutting edge" to a fuzzy studies major, including the TOR
> Project.  In this social matrix, acts of simple careless idiocy, devoid
> of malice and producing no real harm, could lead to all of the charges
> we have seen.
> If you are of a paranoid bent, ask whether a political warfare operation
> could produce the exact results seen in Our Mr. Applebaum's recent
> history.  Seeking out unsatisfied customers of Brand Jake who are
> associated with evangelists for Feminazi fashion would be a snap:
> Thanks to ubiquitous surveillance with automated social network mapping
> and psychographic classification, finding people matching the desired
> profile and history would only require a work order.  Develop one agent
> - witting or not - and the rest handles itself.  (If, and please pardon
> the expression, Our Mr. Applebaum has exposed himself in any way.)
> Of course, this kind of thing is unheard of.  Unless the name Mendax
> means anything to you.
> It is possible that Our Mr. Applebaum is a raging asshole who routinely
> mistreats women in serious ways.  But if so, the lack of any criminal
> charges or civil action is surprising.
> It is possible that he is a victim of spontaneous combustion comparable
> to the Mean Girls on the cheerleading squad getting some amusing
> revenge, motivated by nothing more serious than some naive sap's
> socially awkward behavior.  That model fits the available evidence
> better than the criminal model.
> It is highly probable that IF a political warfare activity was asked to
> arrange this party for Our Mr. Applebaum, they could quote a very
> reasonable price and deliver the goods on time.  The beauty part:  By
> itself this observation proves nothing, as it is difficult or impossible
> to prove absent a credible inside source.  That's the beauty part of the
> institution of State Secrecy.

Wtf is or was so important about Appelbaum that would lead to any kind of 
massive conspiratorial smear campaign? Who gains from taking him down? He may 
talk about him a lot, but he's not Julian Assange.

Maybe he was just a douche bag with a few people too many and they threw up 
some exaggerated reports to get him chucked.

In any event, he doesn't seem to be fighting back particularly hard.


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