On Fri, 15 Jul 2016 02:27:24 -0400
Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net> wrote:

> I have myself been declared a motherfucker by Juan's executive fiat,

        You mean, because you repeat stupid nsa propaganda about tor?

> though not if I recall correctly a Statist Pig.  

        Yeah, unlike rayzer you do make good libertarian points - 

> Perhaps this post
> will rectify that deficiency.  Only time will tell.

        Let's see...

> The absence of any legal proceedings, criminal or civil, seems rather
> a big data point. 

        Ah, so, you are a statist pig after all =)

        Why don't you cut the crap Steve and pick the explanation where
        rayzer left it. To recap : rayzer explained nothing, so you
        can start right at the begining. 

> Pardon my macroaggression, but there is a very current Identity
> Politics fad for cutting all Male Pigs down to size,

        Yeah, true, and irrelevant. 

        The issue is, pay attention, How is it possible for the
        amazing, transparent, and 'freedom fighting' tor project to
        use all those dirty tricks against one of their most amazing
        transparent and freedom fighting members? 

        If you don't understand what I am asking because of my
        obvious and admitedly mediocre command of the english
        language, ASK FOR CLARIFICATION.

        If you don't, and avoid the question like rayzer does,
        then I'll correctly conclude that you are just as
        dishonest as he is.

> It is highly probable that IF a political warfare activity was asked
> to arrange this party for Our Mr. Applebaum, they could quote a very
> reasonable price and deliver the goods on time. 

        So it's just a matter of waiting for the next 'financial
        report' from tor inc. in order to learn how much the tor project
        paid to get rid of their accomplice appelbaum?

        The report will have an entry like 

        "psyop against appelbaum.........$300,000*.........CIA" 

        "*paid through syverson's cayman offshore account"

> The beauty part:  By
> itself this observation proves nothing, as it is difficult or
> impossible to prove absent a credible inside source.  That's the
> beauty part of the institution of State Secrecy.

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