"Security Effectiveness of the Israeli West Bank Barrier" 

"The Barrier together with associated security activities was effective
in preventing suicide bombings and other attacks and fatalities with
little if any apparent displacement. Changes in terrorist behavior
likely resulted from the construction of the Barrier, not from other
external factors or events." 


So that's the kind of nazi war propaganda that this highly reputable
new member of the tor's 'board of directors' posts in his blog.

Also look at this comment from one of his supremacist bots :

"Shachar • July 15, 2016 2:07 AM
I always wondered about such comments. What makes Miko Peled's version
of how things went down more reliable than other sources?..." 

That guy shachar is replying to sombebody who used the nickname "free".
So now look for the post that schachar is replying to? OOPS. It doesn't
exist. And that's because it was deleted by  schneier =) 

And I know because I made the censored post : Here's the post deleted by
tor's director and neocunt schneier

The truth about the jew land thieves (and worse)

Only three lines, but three lines too much for worthless scumbags like
schneier =)

Here's a cached version of the page, just in case...

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