What were all those rumors a while back that Assange had a bunch of Russian 
shit, but basically the FSB threatened his life / families lives / something 
... so he avoided big Russian scoops ever since ?

I don't remember this stuff ever going beyond rumor, innuendo.... 


> On Jul 31, 2016, at 1:47 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Digitalfolklore!
> Hope you wanted to send this message to cypherpunks lists, not for me in 
> special.  :)
> I don't know exactly what is happening, but received some strange private 
> messages in different channels about Wikileaks.  Err...  Why me?  Did someone 
> say something or is just my famous oriental charm?  :-/
> Usually, I love Wikileaks, but I do not support some of their last actions.  
> Everybody knows about strange leaks to manage USA elections, the Turkish 
> leaks and deleted bizarre tweets.  These things annoyed me a lot.
> I wasn't tweeting in the last times, but, few days ago, I admiss I tweeted 
> about  <https://ourresponse.org>  and retweeted one of Wikileaks' account 
> tweets about Jake.  Just it. 
> Only a cordial relationship between an institucional account and a poor 
> unknowed follower, who had lost a lot of friends, contacts and followers in 
> last months.  I am only lurking on twitter, avoiding flaming wars and boring 
> people.  No much patience for all the drama.
> It's my usual behaviour in foreign lists too.  I only broke my typical 
> pattern because of Jake.  I was already an old reader here and on tor-talk 
> list, before being kickbanned.  I am very noisy and chaotical, and my English 
> stinks more than someone's... little cat!  So, silence is always more 
> comfortable for me, even being a talkative troll.  :)
> Am I guilty of some of their bad leaks and was not informed about it yet?  
> They were noisy and chaotical, but not mine!  :)
> Ah, I always make a lot of strange things, but not personalized panties.  If 
> you want Snodew or Assange panties, you can suggest the idea to Wikileaks.  
> Certainly they will be very sexy, but not like the charming "Put in" panties, 
> hihi!  :)
> It would be fun to use Tor Project panties.  I still use their stickers in my 
> notebooks and devices, even after all this mess.  It's a pity that g-strings 
> have no much area to onions or Schneier facts, hahaha!!!  ;D
> https://www.zerodayclothing.com/schneierfacts.php
> There are Schneier Facts T-shirts, but cryptography in panties would be 
> awesome, wow!!!  Loved the idea!!! Ok, I will consider it just for fun!  <3
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Digitalfolklore" <digitalfolkl...@protonmail.ch>
> Date: Jul 30, 2016 2:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Trolling the CIA Like a Boss
> To: "Cecilia Tanaka" <cecilia.tan...@gmail.com>
> waiting for wikileaks to make one with Snowden  on it
> no one mentioning the Turkish leaks with all the women voters names in plain 
> text, phone numbers, addresses?
> good old wikileaks keeping the innocent safe
> VH
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Subject: Re: Trolling the CIA Like a Boss
> > Local Time: July 16, 2016 2:14 AM
> > UTC Time: July 15, 2016 4:14 PM
> > From: cecilia.tan...@gmail.com
> > To: cypherpunks@cpunks.org
> >
> > On Jul 15, 2016 12:00 PM, "Rayzer" <ray...@riseup.net> wrote:
> > >
> > > He DOES know how to charm the media....
> >
> > Yep, so much charm...  ;)
> >
> > http://9gag.com/gag/a44bPMA
> >
> > And you can use it to avoid rapes too.  It certainly will kill any healthy 
> > libido, aff...  Uglier than elephant underwear for men!  (>_<) ugh!!! 

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