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On 08/04/2016 03:00 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

> I asked Steve some suggestions in private, but it's better to ask 
> publicly, so more people can profit the clues.  Oh, you know, he
> loves books, uses cute emoticons and makes oink oink.  He's a good
> reference for me, hahaha!!  ;)

When dredging the Internet for information, I am sure you won't have
much trouble picking out the State sponsored anarchist literature and
pseudo-radical propaganda fronts:  Rebel As You Are Told is one of the
oldest and most powerful political warfare strategies in the
opposition's playbook.

Anarchists don't worry much about labeling sources and concepts as,
for instance, Left or Right.  The relevant question is, Useful or Not?
 In addition to State directed wannabe anarchists who rebel as they
are told, we also have a bumper crop of people who believe that adding
the prefix an- or anarcho- to the name of any archaic, failed or
outright delusional "political philosophy" makes it hip and relevant.

A lot of anarchist literature does not appear to be political.
Anarchists also make a point of reading and exploiting the
opposition's textbooks; there are such things as laws of physics,
natural processes, principles of strategy, etc. that hold constant no
matter who studies them.  "It's a piss poor pitiful Anarchist, who
refuses to use the State's resources against the State's interests."

Just now I am reading this:


It's an in depth survey of political warfare theory and practice in
the context of politically motivated popular uprisings.  There's not a
bit of Anarchy in it, except that everything in it is of potential use
to anarchists.  While reading just substitute self rule or autonomy
for "Democracy," and anarchist or radical for "democrat," and viola:
Radical literature fit to be suppressed by any self respecting
sovereign State.  (The U.S. Federal government tolerates and even
funds this kind of literature, because it is intended for distribution
in "unfriendly regimes" overseas.)

All of these titles are relevant to practical anarchy:

The Tao Te Ching can rightly be called an anarchist classic.  I quote
it more often than any other source, both in correspondence and to
myself.  I like the D.C. Lau translation:


Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication is very popular with the
anarchist crowd.  Handle with care, this is highly refined weapons
grade pacifist material:

https://tinyurl.com/rosenberg-nvc  (PDF, 241 pages)

Here's a fun movie:  It's a biography of Emma Goldman, one of the most
famous Anarchists of the 20th century.  She was a Russian Jew who moved
to America as soon as she was old enough and raised hell non-stop from
then on.  At the height of her career she was the most popular political
speaker in the U.S. of A.



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