This would have been a much sexier title than "Hillary health problems"
- "Hillary Clinton an MK Ultra drone, reaches untimely end to her

Pick or write your own heading and enjoy the show. Let's hope whoever
gets to lead the USA war machine is sane enough to not push the World
War 3 button against China, Russia or Iran.

She also puts pressure on Ecuador re Julian Assange, see further below.


** Hillary Clinton blacks-out during speech, attention focused on her true 
health [Video] 
By Alex Christoforou on Aug 09, 2016 01:03 pm
Hillary dizzy, blackout spell during speech, focuses attention on Clinton’s 
true health [Video]

As the Clinton campaign machine continues to attack Trump’s health and mental 
stability, with media stories portraying Trump as a sociopath or mentally 
challenged candidate, it appears that Hillary is once again deflecting and 
distracting the public from recognizing her own mental stability and health 

In an ironic twist of fate, it is not Donald Trump’s health that is now being 
called into question, but Hillary’s well being is now under severe scrutiny, as 
recent social media photos and recorded video speeches show a Clinton unable to 
walk, often forgetful and continuously blacking out in mid sentence.

The latest blackout spell came during this campaign speech where Hillary 
appears to just freeze up.


Zerohedge delves deeper into Hillary’s health mystery, in a post entitled, “Is 
Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise 
Doubts About Her Health.” 

As the presidential campaign enters its final stages, probing questions have 
emerged about the health condition of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’ bizarre, erratic behavior on the campaign trail (culminating with last 
week’s perplexing “short-circuit” comment 
 ) has left many wondering whether she is seriously ill.  Hillary has at 
multiple times had convulsions that appear to be seizures on camera, including 
a series of seemingly inexplicable coughing fits.


A frequently referenced video, shown below, alleging that Hillary may have 
seizure-like conditions emerged several weeks ago and has so far failed to lead 
to a conclusive explanation whether Hillary may have ongoing health problems 
and potential residual aftereffects from a blood clot in her brain sustained 
three years ago.


Recall in January 2013, CNN reported that then Secretary of State Clinton was 
treated with blood thinners at a New York hospital to help dissolve a blood 
clot in her head. Back then doctors were confident she would make a full 
recovery. Clinton was admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday due 
to the clot that was discovered during a follow-up exam related to a concussion 
she suffered this month, her spokesman, Philippe Reines, said. The clot was 
located in the vein between the brain and and the skull behind Clinton’s right 
ear and did not result in any stroke or neurological damage, her doctors said 
in a statement.

Going further back, in 2005 then Senator Hillary fainted during a speech in 
Buffalo, NY, where she received medical attention on site. “About five minutes 
into the speech, she said she was queasy,” said Erie County Democratic Chairman 
Len Lenihan, who was at the Women’s TAP fund-raiser at the private club. 
“Clinton left the podium and continued her talk sitting in a chair but 
eventually left the room, saying she needed a break, Lenihan said. She returned 
to the podium a short time later but fainted before resuming her speech. “It 
became clear she was faint. She was sort of brought down gracefully,” he said.

The room was cleared, and Clinton immediately received medical attention from, 
among others, a doctor who attended the event.

And so, questions about Hillary’s health remain, especially after photos 
emerged over the weekend showing Hillary demonstrating unease while climbing 


This has led to further speculation about the identity of a man, allegedly part 
of her secret service, who some has been dubbed as her “handler”, a person who 
is supposedly her personal doctor.

Hillary’s Handler? Brain washer? 

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 7, 2016 


As Mike Cernovich points out 
 , here’s a picture of Hillary’s handler before he joined Secret Service. He’s 
in casual attire.

Every SS agent is in a suit. Hillary’s handler is causal. Something huge is up. (

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 7, 2016 

We saw this first “doctor” during Hillary’s recent freeze-up. As the following 
captures show, Hillary’s handler appears always ready to reassure Hillary, 
moving Secret Service Agents out of the way, urging her to “keep talking”. 
According to Cernovich “this handler is not an ordinary SS agent.”

Secret Service agents walk on stage during Hillary Clinton rally

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) August 4, 2016 

Further adding to the mystery, Cernovich also points out – in an unconfirmed 
report – that the so called “handler” appears to carry a Diazepam pen.



The device in question is a Diazepam auto-injector pens are used for for Acute 
Repetitive Seizures. (  Diazepam is 
one of the medications prescribed for patients who experience recurrent seizures

Diazepam is used to treat anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, or 
muscle spasms.

— MF (@TWA2Garp) August 8, 2016 

These details emerge just a day after the American Psychiatric Association has 
told its member not to call presidential candidates mentally ill, envisioning 
recent allegations involving Donald Trump.

As The Hill notes 
 , “following a bad week for Donald Trump, in which he insulted a Gold Star 
family and declined to endorse Speaker Paul Ryan before doing it anyway on 
Friday, many have started to question whether Trump has a personality disorder.”

“We’re asking ourselves — I didn’t say this, but this is what everybody is 
saying: Is Donald Trump a sociopath?” MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asked earlier 
this week.

A California Democrat Wednesday launched a petition calling for 
Trump to undergo a mental health evaluation, suggesting he may have a 
narcissistic personality disorder. More than 25,000 have signed it as of Sunday.

While much of this may be in good humor, and meant to focus attention on 
Trump’s bombastic statements, perhaps the time has come for a serious look into 
Hillary Clinton’s own health history, especially since most polls still have 
her beating trump, and she may very well be America’s next president.


The post Hillary Clinton blacks-out during speech, attention focused on her 
true health [Video] 
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** Hillary Clinton leverages media in Ecuador to ‘reconsider’ Julian Assange’s 
asylum in London 
By Alex Christoforou on Aug 09, 2016 01:53 pm
EMBARGOED UNTIL 0001GMT ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2013 Wikileaks founder Julian 
Assange speaks to the media inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on June 14, 
2013, ahead of the first anniversary of his arrival there on June 19, 2012. A 
year after seeking refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Julian Assange 
remains fearful of US "revenge" over the WikiLeaks disclosures and aware that 
the diplomatic deadlock over his case may continue for months, if not years. 
AFP PHOTO/POOL/ANTHONY DEVLIN (Photo credit should read Anthony 
Devlin/AFP/Getty Images)

Last month at the DNC, Wikileaks unleashed a cache of emails that showed the 
Democratic party and Hillary Clinton had conspired to rig the primary elections 
 against Bernie Sanders.

Assange also released, to much less publicity, 1,700 emails that showed Hillary 
 was directly involved in the destabilisation of Libya and Syria, and knowingly 
funneled weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS.

The Clinton campaign diverted all of America’s attention away from what should 
of been a massive scandal (with charges of treason levied on Hillary Clinton) 
by simply conjuring up the spectre of Russian aggression and Vladimir Putin. 
America fell for it and the media promoted the Clinton diversion tactic as they 
were instructed to do.

As teflon Hillary continues to run amok, above any law, doing anything she 
pleases, Assange’s Wikileaks has promised another tranche of emails that will 
further expose Clinton’s massive corruption, and appetite for all out war.

The Democratic party will risk no more Wikileaks’s induced speed bumps, in the 
coronation process of the first woman president, and the establishment’s 
ultimate insider war hawk.

That is why reports out of Ecuador are now pointing to increased pressure on 
the Ecuador government to remove Assange’s asylum status, and finally expel him 
from the Ecuador embassy, and into UK police custody…where American authorities 
wait patently to lock Assange up for life, never to be heard from again.

Hillary can then smoothly move on to becoming the next US President, as was 
planned nearly two years ago.

Ecuador govt under serious pressure to censor Assange over #DNCLeak 
( & criticism of Clinton &

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 8, 2016 

Media in Ecuador is now calling for Assange’s asylum status to be reconsidered. had this to say 

In this context, it happens that the author of the mess is none other than the 
person to whom Ecuador has granted asylum and protection to for more than four 
years. I was the first to say that Assange has, like all other human beings, 
inalienable rights, that must be respected. However, an asylum seeker also has 
obligations that cannot be ignored. He should not “perform acts that disturb 
the public peace, or to participate and influence political activities” and he 
also must respect and not harm, with his actions, the country that decided to 
give him asylum.

Unfortunately, Ecuador has not set a limit to the conduct of Assange, and has 
allowed him to violate his asylum status, and taunt those who seek asylum. His 
latest interference in US politics could have worldwide consequences, of which 
Ecuador, Assange’s protector, will not leave unscathed. If London has refused 
to closer ties with Ecuador, because of Assange, then Washington is expected to 
react in the same way. And the United States is our best commercial partner!

I said that, once granted asylum, Ecuador is bound to honor it. However, given 
the gruesome performance by Assange, he undoubtedly violates his refugee 
status, and it should be considered whether this conduct, taken to such 
extremes, is a good reason for Ecuador to end the asylum.

The post Hillary Clinton leverages media in Ecuador to ‘reconsider’ Julian 
Assange’s asylum in London 
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