On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 05:14:34PM -0400, Ben 0wned wrote: > Most of us grew up during the cypherpunks movement
So... "I Ben have 'cred' round here... and even though I am anonymous, hiding who I am in meatspace, and have never contributed to making this list what I'd like it to be..." > Good reason to just let this list die. "... I'm going to tell you all what to do and where to go..." > Bunch of OLD angry people "... get on an ageist bandwagon ..." > with no life "... accuse y'all of being hopeless folks with nothing to live for ..." > but to sit around "... make accusations about how bloody lazy y'all are, even though I don't know any of youse ..." > and bitch and moan "... characterise all the emails I bothered to look at in a really shitty way, because my opinion is all that matters ..." > about shit all day long. "... and tell y'all that what you say, when you say it and how you say it, is shit, through and through ..." > What a miserable life. "... And finally, you're all shit, did I mention you're shit? Cause you are! And I'm gonna imply my support for murder, deny you your right to express your anger, and get really pissed off when anyone blows a kettle. Because that's my right, and all of you are shit (did I mention you're all shit? Coz you are alright?!" Somehow, somewhere in your little brain, something next to that one brain cell that fired this morning after 3 cups of cofee, you decided that your email was somehow a good or constructive or otherwise useful email to send. Cecilia's observation that "you're not the brightest apple in the cart" seems rather apt... But hey, what would I know, cause we're all "shit" around here ...