What's the likelihood HRC will bring more war, look for war, promote
war, and generally involve herself, North America, NATO and anyone the
USA can bomb the f#$@! out of, into more war?

** Hillary Clinton and “decision fatigue”
By Adam Garrie on Aug 24, 2016 03:04 pm
NEW HAVEN, CT - APRIL 23: Democratic presidential candidate former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looks on during a roundtable
discussion with community members at Orangeside on Temple on April 23,
2016 in New Haven, Connecticut. Hillary Clinton met with local residents
to discuss her plans to raise the minimum wage and fight for equal pay
for women and paid leave for working families as she campaigns in
Connecticut ahead of Tuesday's presidential primary. (Photo by Justin
Sullivan/Getty Images)

Stories about the health or lack thereof, of Hillary Clinton are not
going away anytime soon. I have made it clear that in my personal view,
this should not be a matter of public record. I feel it is enough to say
that if her political decisions were formed in good faith, she is too
ignorant to lead any nation and that if they were taken in a calculated
way, she is too wicked and indeed too insane to lead any nation.

The latest story is that Hillary Clinton investigated medical treatments
for an erstwhile little known disease called ‘decision fatigue’. I’m not
a doctor, but I’m fairly sure when it comes to ‘decision fatigue’,
Hillary Clinton gets a clean bill of health.

Hillary Clinton is guilty of making some of the worst decisions in
contemporary geo-political history. Her advocacy for a war on Africa’s
wealthiest country, Libya, being first and foremost.

Her description of the execution of a foreign head of state by an
Islamist mob, a man whom George Bush no less had made an accord with,
demonstrates that she was not the least indecisive about her decision to
invade and consequently destroy Libya, at the cost not only of Libya
lives but of American lives. “We came, we saw, he died”, followed by
ghoulish laughter was her description, not exactly a symptom of someone
suffering from Hamletesque indecision.

Imagine if General Zhukov, General Montgomery or General Eisenhower
spoke that way, even if speaking against a forfeitable and wicked Nazi
foe? It simply wouldn’t enter the lexicon of such individuals.

Hillary Clinton’s illness is not that she suffers from ‘decision
fatigue’ but rather that she suffers from ‘conscience fatigue’, ‘logic
fatigue’ and ‘humaneness fatigue’. The world would be a better place if
there was a drug capable of curing such dangerous psychological

The truth is that Hillary Clinton has never met a war she didn’t like
and never pushed for a war she didn’t glory in.

Failed leader though he is, Barack Obama has admitted that Libya was a
mistake, yet Hillary Clinton does not hesitate when it comes to
justifying her bold decision.

If only Hillary Clinton was less decisive, if only she looked before she
leapt, then the world would be a better place.

Whatever drugs she may be interested in, something which encourages
decisiveness would continue to cause great illnesses to an already
bleeding world.

As I have previously stated, I believe that whilst vulgar to discuss
physical health, psychological health ought to be a matter of debate. In
so far as this is the case it reminds one of the slogans from the 1964
US Presidential election. The Republican campaign said of Barry
Goldwater, ‘In your heart, you know he’s right”; the Democrats answered
“In your guts, you know he’s nuts”.

Substitute the he for a she and its 2016.

The post Hillary Clinton and “decision fatigue”
(http://theduran.com/hillary-clinton-decision-fatigue/) appeared first
on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .

And while we're on the topic of Hillary Clinton:

** Here’s a list of media companies who have donated to the Clinton
Foundation slush fund
By Alex Christoforou on Aug 24, 2016 04:17 pm
clinton foundation

Wonder why the mainstream media is behind Hillary Clinton?

Just follow the money. Large media companies donated huge amounts to the
Clinton Foundation and they demand something in return…And that
“something in return” will be called in when Hillary becomes POTUS.

You damn be sure the media companies listed below will see that Hillary
Clinton makes it into the Oval Office. This is how their investment in
the Clinton Foundation slush fund will pay big dividends.

HRC not winning the US elections will have made for a very bad

Next time you read something great about Hillary and something terrible
about Trump from the below media outlets, remember, they placed a big
bet on a Hillary presidency, and they will do everything in their power
to see that bet through.

Just follow the money, and you get to the truth.

In case anyone actually believes that money donated by these media
organisation to the Clinton Foundation goes to helping people, think
again (via The Federalist

Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million
dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012
, 2011
, 2010
, 2008
(https://www.clintonfoundation.org/files/2008_audited_financials.pdf) ).
A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic
grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110
million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290
million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was
classified merely as “other expenses.” …The Clinton Foundation may well
be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving
activities would be classified by the organization itself as just
random, miscellaneous expenses.

Donations are all over the place, from the low thousands to the high
millions, and just about every large media company, left to right, is in
on the action. Even News Corp, which owns Fox News, and is staunchly
critical of the Clintons, donated in the $500,000-$1,000,000 range…Makes
you wonder.

ABC’s very own George Stephanopoulos (who is a long time Clinton
insider) is under scrutiny
for not disclosing his personal $75,000 contribution when reporting on
the Clinton Foundation. The revolving door in action.

Clinton Foundation donor list as compiled by Politico

The list also includes mass media groups like Comcast, Time Warner and
Viacom, as well a few notable individuals, including Carlos Slim, the
Mexican telecom magnate and largest shareholder of The New York Times
Company, and James Murdoch, the chief operating officer of 21st Century
Fox. Both Slim and Murdoch have given between $1 million to $5 million,

The following list includes news media organizations that have donated
to the foundation, as well as other media networks, companies,
foundations or individuals that have donated. It is organized by the
size of the contribution:


Carlos Slim
Chairman & CEO of Telmex, largest New York Times shareholder

James Murdoch
Chief Operating Officer of 21st Century Fox

Newsmax Media
Florida-based conservative media network

Thomson Reuters
Owner of the Reuters news service



News Corporation Foundation
Philanthropic arm of former Fox News parent company


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Richard Mellon Scaife
Owner of Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


Abigail Disney
Documentary filmmaker

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Howard Stringer
Former CBS, CBS News and Sony executive

Intermountain West Communications Company
Local television affiliate owner (formerly Sunbelt Communications)


Bloomberg L.P.

Discovery Communications Inc.

George Stephanopoulos
ABC News chief anchor and chief political correspondent

Mort Zuckerman
Owner of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report

Time Warner Inc.
Owner of CNN parent company Turner Broadcasting




Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Presenters of the Golden Globe Awards



Knight Foundation
Non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting journalism

Public Radio International

Turner Broadcasting
Parent company of CNN



Parent copmany of NBCUniversal

NBC Universal
Parent company of NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC

Public Broadcasting Service


Robert Allbritton


AOL Huffington Post Media Group

Hearst Corporation

Judy Woodruff
PBS Newshour co-anchor and managing editor

The Washington Post Company


The post Here’s a list of media companies who have donated to the
Clinton Foundation slush fund
appeared first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .

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