Rumors suggest that WikiLeaks might try to avoid government power by putting …
James Grimmelmann - 3/27/2012, 9:00 PM
A few weeks ago, Fox News breathlessly reported that the embattled
WikiLeaks operation was looking to start a new life under on the sea.
WikiLeaks, the article speculated, might try to escape its legal
troubles by putting its servers on Sealand, a World War II
anti-aircraft platform seven miles off the English coast in the North
Sea, a place that calls itself an independent nation. It sounds
perfect for WikiLeaks: a friendly, legally unassailable host with an
anything-goes attitude.

But readers with a memory of the early 2000s might be wondering,
"Didn't someone already try this? How did that work out?" Good
questions. From 2000 to 2008, a company called HavenCo did indeed
offer no-questions-asked colocation on Sealand...
Play this one big and loud...

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