On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 03:11:01PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> >> https://ghostbin.com/paste/kmnzz
> On 8/26/16, xxy...@tuta.io <xxy...@tuta.io> wrote:
> > Read here: https://ghostbin.com/paste/4am8w
> This #torfork #torstrike are interesting / humorous in an
> oldschool textphiles underground scene sort of way.
> Remains to be seen if anything will come of them...

The first rule of TPTB/ the powers that be, is to co-opt any counter

That means they must anticipate the counter revolution.

In the case of their pet "Tor" GPA honeypot, anticipation was not hard
(they just lynched one of their own, since he was calling out ex-CIA
wannabe Tor Inc employees (and a few other horrendous corporation

The FOG - the False Oppositional Group - can be hard to see or identify
until far too many resources and effort have been made.

So. Our challenge, should we choose to take it on, is to determine the
fake from the real, witness the FOG from the strong of heart.

Not always easy to do.

An alternative is to be cautious, prudent and have contingency plans
from the get go - branding has power, but who are you consenting to have
that power?

In this day and age it is very fashionable to be "anonymous", to "buck
the system" by hiding behind a fake identity.

NOTE: I am not saying fake identities are a bad thing per se. I am
saying that those with good heart tend to leave the seats of power and
authority to those with bold eclat, those who sociopathically seize
authority and power, creating structures supporting themselves and their
paymasters, and ultimately fucking over the rest of us.

A significant problem is that we are so schooled, but perhaps the
greatest problem is that it seems so hard for those in cushy western
"jobs" to even hypothetically put on self critical hats - to say to the
Juan's of the world "ok, let's say you're right and Google is a fascist
evil corporation taking money from the man to fuck us all over" ... or

Ultimately, your challenge, my challenge, the challenge we all face, is
who to trust, and or how to put some trust in others whilst mitigating
their potential future abuse of our trust.

Are their ways we might mitigate the implied trust we put in spreading
the word of a brand for example "ROTOR BROWSER" giving you ALL CAPS

Notwithstanding that (ISTM) the message these all caps buckaneers are
putting out is essentially a good one, what I would like to see is some
personal "canary" statements by those carpe seizing the do-ocracy diem

At some level, in very real ways, libre open source software is
ultimately a great foundation, for the future at the very least - those
who want can tinker and blaze a new trail, as we are seeing now with
ROTOR CAPS. So this is a good thing - so much better than the

Is there a better or fuller public discussion we can have at this

Good luck,

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