For those who need a weekend laugh:

** Time For Russia-Bating Distraction - NY Times Says Russians Hacked Them 
by Tyler Durden on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
It's them Ruskies again! With pressure on Obama over his visit to Louisiana, 
and Hillary facing an avalanche of headlines over her "email crimes," it is 
time for a distraction... CNN reports, hackers thought to be working for 
Russian intelligence have carried out a series of cyber breaches targeting 
reporters at the New York Times and other US news organizations, according to 
US officials briefed on the matter.The intrusions, detected in recent months, 
are CNN reports, under investigation by the FBI and other US security agencies.
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Here we go again:

** Right On Cue: Elites Uses Putin Dog-Whistle Just Like in Brexit Campaign 
by Raheem Kassam on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
The Clinton campaign alongside the establishment media have begun blowing the 
Vladimir Putin dog-whistle, just as their European counterparts did during the 
United Kingdom’s referendum on its membership of the European Union (EU).Almost 
as if on cue, news outlets have begun parroting the same old lines used by 
Britain’s political establishment before June of this year, when they accused 
anti-establishment ‘Leave’ campaigners of doing the bidding for, if not being 
directly linked to, the Russian president and the Kremlin.
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And something a little more serious:

** High Alert: Russia Tests Army’s Readiness in Massive Snap Exercise In West & 
by The Saker on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
Russian Army units as well as the Air Force, Airborne Troops and the Navy’s 
Northern Fleet have been put on high alert as part of a large-scale snap 
exercise which the Defense Ministry says will check troops’ readiness to tackle 
emerging crises.“According to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the 
Armed Forces [President Vladimir Putin], a regular snap exercise begins today,” 
Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at a briefing with top military commanders 
on Thursday.“Troops in the Southern Military District, some units of the 
Western and Central Military Districts, as well as the Northern Fleet, the Air 
Force and the Airborne Troops, are to be put on full alert starting from 7.00am 
[local time],” the minister added.
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Old news with a new picture, for those following the money story :

** Why Russia Must Break From US Economic Hegemony (Video) 
by Mikhail Khazin on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
The author is a leading Russian economist, publicist, and TV and radio host. 
(Wikipedia - Russian only)Sometimes referred to as the "Russian Paul Krugman", 
he writes prolifically, and has a very large audience in Russia.  His articles 
typically receive hundreds of thousands of views.  He is known for explaining 
complex economic ideas in clear terms non-specialists can understand.  He is a 
former senior economist in the presidential administration and a frequent 
speaker at international conferences.
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Awww, those North American diplomats ... how sweeet :)

** Biden in Belgrade: A Bitter Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane (VIDEO) 
by Nebojsa Malic on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Serbia was intended to send a message that 
the US stood by its policies, essentially promoting Hillary Clinton’s campaign. 
All it managed to do, however, was dredge up the bitter memories of the 1999 
NATO invasion.Before jetting off to Belgrade on August 16, Biden gave a fiery 
speech in support of Hillary Clinton in his home town in Pennsylvania.Within 
minutes of landing, Biden committed his first faux pas by failing to bow to the 
Serbian flag – a gesture neither China’s Xi Jinping nor Russia’s Vladimir Putin 
found onerous during their visits. It was all downhill from there.
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Anyone surprised at this stage? Surely not - and don't call me Shirley.

** Why Did Saudis and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton 
by Glenn Greenwald on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
AS THE NUMEROUS and obvious ethical conflicts surrounding the Clinton 
Foundation receive more media scrutiny, the tactic of Clinton-loyal journalists 
is to highlight the charitable work done by the foundation, and then insinuate 
— or even outright state — that anyone raising these questions is opposed to 
its charity.
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Irony of a high order, and yes from the frying pan to the fire pit :)

** Europeans Are Escaping to 'Russian Facebook' to Avoid Censorship 
by Chris Tomlinson on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
Free speech in Germany has come under fire in recent months with an increasing 
amount of Germans being arrested jailed or fined for what the German state 
considers hate speech online. The German government has even enlisted the help 
of social media giants like Facebook to track down posts that are critical of 
Muslims or of mass migrationNow more German internet users are flooding to 
Russian Facebook equivalent VK network to avoid the censorship reports Die Welt.
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Pretty sure we saw this in 2015:

** Excellent 2015 Russian Primetime TV Documentary About Putin -  Now on 
by Anonymous on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
This remarkable documentary is now available for the first time in full length 
on Youtube.
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** What the US is Planning for the Christians of Syria & Russia: A Public Plea 
to Patriarch Kirill 
by Dr. William Wedin on Fri, Aug 26, 2016
The author is a licensed clinical psychologist and long-time activist for 
progressive causes, who lives and practices in New York City.Your Holiness:On 
Monday, August 22, 2016, the US Defense Department announced that it was 
instituting what amounted to a “no-fly zone” over any area in Syria where US 
military officers are illegally engaged in advising al Qaeda on how to behead 
the sovereign government of Syria.
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