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** Peter Lavelle: 15 signs you may be a Putin troll
By Peter Lavelle on Aug 28, 2016 01:46 pm
Russian President Vladimir Putin listens during a live video link with regions 
suffering from forest fires from the Bocharov Ruchei residence in the Russian 
Black Sea resort of Sochi on Wednesday, May 11, 2016. Russia’s president has 
flipped the switch to open the last of four electricity lines to Crimea aimed 
at allowing the Russia-annexed peninsula to end its reliance on Ukrainian 
electricity. (Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Questioning authority is the most fundamental hallmark of modern western
civilization. As of late this tenant has gone AWOL. Questioning
authority is now tantamount to treason. And if you are deemed
treasonous, then you are probably a Putin troll. Are you afflicted with
the following thoughts?

1. When you have that gnawing feeling corporate mainstream is lying —
   and lying a lot and all the time.

2. When thinking Vladimir Putin is a leader when his western
   counterparts are only imitation politicians reciting really bad sound
   bites by paid-for-PR.

3. When realizing words seem to lose any meaning: aggression, lies,
   evil, subversion, and lack of morality can only be found in others.

4. When worried almost everyone in Washington, both major political
   parties and the corporate mainstream media are all reading from the
   same prepared script.

5. When concerned the Democratic Party embraces McCarthyism and then is
   embraced by the failed though seemingly all-powerful neocons.

6. When noticing Washington elites and western corporate media callously
   and endlessly accept the role as agents for endless war.

7. When disagreeing with the “conventional wisdom” makes you suspect and
   even a threat to the current social order.

8. When doubting for a second Putin’s Russia threatens the west’s core
   geopolitical interests.

9. When questioning why the west demonizes and then destroys countries
   and societies that in no way threaten the west.

10. When pondering why the west is so obsessed with democracy while
    afraid of the democratic wishes of people around the world
    (including in the west.)

11. When you realize “no lives matter.” We are all political
    canon-fodder – it is the picking order that is in play.

12. When being terrified of the establishment’s thinking the Third World
    War is actually thinkable.

13. When worried being told over and over again Hillary Clinton is the
    “safe-hands” candidate.

14. When being angered that Barack Obama is called a man of peace – when
    his time on office has never seen America at peace for even a single

15. When doubting just about everything you have been told about
    “American Exceptionalism.” Hasn’t this idea been exceptionally bad
    for the U.S. and the rest of the world? If you say this openly in
    public you will face some form of social marginalization or worse.

I am guessing you might consider yourself to be guilty of some or all of
the above. Being a Putin Troll is not a terminal condition though – at
least not yet. There is no reason to seek treatment – you are actually
fine. The public sphere, as we know it, is infected and sick. Keep
thinking good and honest thoughts as long as you can. If we survive all
this propaganda and war mongering, being once called a Putin Troll might
one day be deemed as an honorable tribute.

Peter Lavelle is host of RT’s political debate program CrossTalk. His
views may or may not reflect those of his employer.

The post Peter Lavelle: 15 signs you may be a Putin troll
(http://theduran.com/peter-lavelle-15-signs-may-putin-troll/) appeared
first on The Duran (http://theduran.com) .

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