On Sun, 2016-08-28 at 23:25 -0500, Anthony Papillon wrote:
> I'm working on a privacy related project that needs access to Google.
> Unfortunately, it's likely the kind of project that Google would block
> from accessing their services. So I need ideas on how to make sure
> that doesn't happen. 

My first advice is obey Google's terms of service, and you shouldn't
have any issues. Otherwise, if you are doing something which would
ordinarily violate their terms of service but accesses their data for
the greater good, I'd talk to somebody at Google instead of going
straight to ban evasion tactics. Maybe I'm weird, but a pissing match
(literally or figuratively) with a multi-billion-dollar corporation just
isn't my idea of fun. (It might have been 15 years ago, but even that's

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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