On 8/25/16, Sean Lynch <se...@literati.org> wrote:
> There's the mass surveillance part and there's the FISA part.

They're not exclusively separate.
FISx has been authorizing both bulk untargeted for mining and
individual targets.
NSA has the taps and compartments to do whatever anyone wants.
Lesser companies, entities, and individuals are routinely happy patriots to
kiss ass and simply give data to governments and others literally for
the asking,
or for the money, or the power, retroactive immunity, deregulation,
hookers and blow.

"Though we can't show you any results... classified, trust us, it's working."


> AT&T, on the other
> hand, gave the government its own room with access to all the data coming
> through their datacenters and let them do whatever they wanted.

AT&T was just the one you heard about. Where there's one, there's more,
like with juicy government services contracts. Then there's Qwest's Nacchio
who tried to fight but got selectively prosecuted, gitmo'd, and replaced by
AT&T's Notebaert.


Must watch...

> they push back on warrants
> they think are too broad

Such benevolence and independant review, users should
thank their lucky stars.

> publish transparency reports detailing everything
> they can

US 1st amendment says they're not detailing what they can.
They're detailing what they and their pussy lawyers are
unafraid to speech. And further eroding the 1st in the process.

> and fight to inform the target of the surveillance as soon as
> they can.

Long after they're in prison and unable to defend themselves
against secret law, evidence, and actions.

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