He backed out of his seminal story on cloudfare when Barrett got busted
and I noted that Cloudflare was now DNS'ing projectPM. He set me up in a
bushwhack twitter 'interview' with the CEO that degenerated into weasel
words when I pushed him on exactly who authorized his spook outfit to
mirror the wiki. Levine is jealous of BB. He's authentic. Levine is a fake.

Now he's om a bash Greenwald binge. Again... Jealousy. Greenwald is
real. Levine's a fake. He doesn't realize or he's too reptilian to care
that he's playing into the feds hands on thing like tor due to that

I blocked one of his minions just an hour or two ago on Twitter who had
the ioerror story bass-ackwards, insisting that NOW it was a
legitimately crowdsourced project, and before it was a fed operation.


The minion also regurgitated the 'Greenwald gets paid from shady
sources' trope to which JYA or someone else from Cryptome kindly posted
his compensation dox from Firstlook showing that the shady outfit is
simply Greenwald's 'investigative reporter' business name.

I trust Levine and his friends to report whatever gets them publicity,
and ignore more important facts, and simply... make shit up.


ProjectPM pre-cloudflare archive. tar.gz with original html pages inside


On 08/29/2016 08:20 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> https://surveillancevalley.net/
> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/7331688/surveillance-valley-the-rise-of-the-google-militar
> A book about how Silicon Valley turned the Internet into the greatest
> surveillance apparatus in the history of mankind. PublicAffairs 2017.
> Yasha Levine is an author and award-winning investigative journalist —
> currently with Pando and writing a book about Surveillance Valley.
> He was born in the Soviet Union and lives in New York. He's reported
> from multiple continents, co-founded The eXiled and the SHAME Project.
> His work has been published and featured in Wired, The Nation, Slate,
> Penthouse, The New York Observer, AlterNet, NSFWCORP and MSNBC.
> https://cryptome.org/2016/08/tor-10-percent-good.htm
> https://surveillancevalley.net/blog
> May 10, 2016 | article
> Silicon Valley gives us the finger
> By Yasha Levine Google and other Silicon Valley megacorps want us to
> trust them with our most…
> Mar 01, 2015 | blog
> Notes on BBG’s funding of the Tor Project — 2007 through 2014
> This note is meant to go along with my story on Uncle Sam's "Internet
> freedom" programs:…
> Mar 03, 2016 | article
> Internet Privacy, Funded By Spies
> By Yasha Levine Originally published on Pando.com on March 1, 2015.
> For the past few months I've…
> Jan 04, 2016 | news
> New Year's Update: Internet Freedom and PublicAffairs
> 3d printed Snowden at 32c3 Been a while since my last Kickstarter
> supporter update. So now I have…
> Dec 31, 2015 | article
> Tor Project: The super secure anonymity network built on deception,
> false promises and heaps of libertarian bullshit
> By Yasha Levine First published by Pando on December 18, 2015. BERLIN
> — It’s about 11 pm and I’m sippin…
> Dec 29, 2015 | blog
> Tor Project Runs Away From Public Questions at 32c3
> A quick note from 32c3... I was looking forward to this year's State
> of the Onion address. At this…
> Dec 27, 2015 | blog
> Tor military contractors try to shut down my reporting
> A quick note from the road... It’s just past Christmas here in
> Germany. After spending a few days r…
> Nov 29, 2015 | blog
> Jacob Appelbaum: Wikileaks insider, military contractor, Tor developer
> By Yasha Levine Earlier, I had written about the Tor Network, an
> anonymity tool developed, …
> Nov 09, 2015 | blog
> Pentagon's 1969 Quadruped Hotrod
> A bit of random war nerd porn from my Surveillance Valley archive
> research. This one comes courtesy…
> Oct 11, 2015 | blog
> What Snowden won't tell you: The conflicted government ties of the Tor Project
> Edward Snowden joined Twitter a few weeks ago — and it didn't take him
> long to start promoting the T…
> Sep 26, 2015 | blog
> End of summer update: 100-year-old computers and surveillance
> Hey — it’s been a while! But I've been keeping busy. Between
> writing/researching the book, moving to …
> Jul 07, 2015 | blog
> Why is the CIA protecting Google?
> As part of my Surveillance Valley research, I've trying to pinpoint as
> best I can the moment when…
> Jun 27, 2015 | blog
> Inside Google's ugly war against the homeless in LA
> Just published an important story (and a companion micro-documentary)
> about Google's relationship…
> Mar 09, 2015 | news
> Yasha Levine on RT to talk about US spies funding Internet privacy activists
> Yasha Levine talks to RT's Anissa Naouai about how U.S. military and
> intelligence agencies are…
> Mar 08, 2015 | news
> Surveillance Valley on Naked Capitalism!
> Naked Capitalism, the best and smartest finance web mag in the world,
> endorses Surveillance Valley.…
> Mar 20, 2015 | news
> RJ Eskow's "The Zero Hour" supports Surveillance Valley
> Earlier today, Surveillance Valley got a huge boost from Richard "RJ"
> Eskow  — host of Th…
> Mar 17, 2015 | blog
> Video: Google Robot-Cheetah on the prowl in Surveillance Valley
> My good friend Zam, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, was inspired by my
> book project and made a short…

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