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>Subject: NEWS -  UN Press Release on Small Arms Conference

World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting - Mailing list
Note: Here is the final press release from the recent UN meeting on the
2001 conference.  It would be an understatement to say that a great deal
was not
accomplished.  Regardless, this situation must be watched closely.  Note
that there is specific reference to going ahead with the manufacturers
Press Release DC/2687



The Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Illicit
Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects this evening, 3
decided to defer its decision on the dates and venue of the Conference
until the 2000 session of the General Assembly, as the Committee
concluded its first session.

It also decided to hold its next session from 8 to 19 January 2001 in
New York at Headquarters, and the third from 19 to 30 March. Kenya had
offered to
host the latter, and the Committee decided that the Secretariat would
convey the financial implications to the Kenyan delegation, so the
General Assembly could take a decision at its next session.

The Committee also deferred its decision on the modalities of attendance
by non-governmental organizations at its future sessions. It further
decided to continue considering its recommendations to the Conference on
all relevant matters, including the objective, a draft agenda, draft
rules of procedure and draft final documents.

The Preparatory Committee decided to request its Chairman to conduct
broad-based consultations in an open-ended, transparent and informal
manner during the inter-sessional period. The Committee requested its
Chairman to hold those consultations with representatives of States and
intergovernmental organizations. During the period, the Chairman might
also receive views from civil society. The Preparatory Committee also
requested its Chairman to report on the outcome of his consultations at
its second session.

In another decision, it requested the Secretariat to submit to its
second session a draft agenda for the Conference, as well as draft rules
of procedures. In addition, the Secretariat was to make a number of
documents available, including those related to national, subregional,
regional and other initiatives; and reports of the Secretary-General,
including studies prepared by groups of experts.

The Committee, in particular, requested the study on â  the feasibility
of restricting the manufacture and trade of such weapons (small arms and
light weapons) to the manufacturers and dealers authorized by States,
which would cover the brokering activities, particularly illicit
activities, related to small arms and light weapons, including
transportation agents and financial transactionsâ ?, as well as the
views of Member States on the study.

Also this afternoon, the Preparatory Committee adopted the report of its
first session, as orally amended, which began on Monday, 28 February.
The report contains decisions of, and recommendations made by, the
Committee during the session.

In other action, the Preparatory Committee expanded the composition of
its Bureau by electing Carlos Sorreta (Philippines) as an additional
Vice-Chairman. The Rapporteur, Mark Gaillard (Canada), formally resigned
his position and the Committee then elected him as a Vice-Chairman. The
Bureau should consist of a Chairman, 25 Vice-Chairmen and a Rapporteur.
Each regional group is represented by five Vice-Chairmen, although the
Group of African States has yet to nominate its fifth candidate.

Highlights of Session

Most of the work of the five-day session was devoted to an exchange of
views on the dates and venue of the Conference, scheduled for 2001, the
dates and venue of the Committee's subsequent sessions and the possible
scope of the Conference.

During its general debate, a number of delegates pointed out that the
2001 Conference presented an opportunity to address the spread and abuse
of small arms, which were the true weapons of mass destruction and a
major source of international insecurity. The illicit trade in and
proliferation of small arms were the primary causes of violence and
conflict in many countries and had hindered many development efforts, by
undermining investor interest and causing the flight of capital and
human resources. The increase in drug trafficking was also linked to the
proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

On the scope of the Conference, several delegates suggested adopting a
comprehensive approach. They said its mandate should cover a wide range
of issues, such as: proliferation of small arms and light weapons; legal
trade in those weapons; increased transparency in arms transfers; and
the interrelationship between illicit trafficking, smuggling and the
legal trade in small arms. Some said the objective of the Conference
should be to formulate the means to combat and eradicate the illicit
arms trade. The most important area of focus could be on the black
market trade in those weapons, they said.

Meanwhile, referring to the diversity of situations accompanying the
proliferation of small arms, other delegates said such elements as
economic and social development, human rights and standards of
governments should not be discussed, as that could lead to an
over-politicized debate. That could put at risk any success in combating
the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, they said.

Several delegates said the Conference should take account of initiatives
taken at regional, subregional and international levels to deal with the
problems posed by illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. At the
regional level, a number of organizations in the Americas, Europe,
southern Africa and West Africa have adopted initiatives to encourage
the marking of weapons, storage and their destruction. International
initiatives include the sets of recommendations of the two United
Nations panels of governmental experts on small arms. Delegates also
referred to the negotiations currently under way in Vienna for a legally
binding protocol on illicit firearms trafficking, supplementary to the
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

The Conference should also consider, during its deliberations, the
principles of the United Nations Charter, particularly the right to
State sovereignty and the right of a State to develop its own defence
system for national security, some delegates said. Another noted that to
include consideration of the legal arms trade would call that right into
question. Efforts to curb the illicit trade should not affect the
legitimate rights of countries to own and transfer small arms, as they
represented an indispensable means to safeguard national security.

A large number of delegations stressed the need for a venue that would
allow for the broadest participation, particularly by countries directly
affected by small arms and those with limited representation. The offer
of Switzerland to host the Conference was welcomed by some delegations.
They also expressed the need for civil society to participate in the
preparatory process and in the Conference, including non-governmental
organizations, particularly those relevant to disarmament issues.

Legally binding rules governing the trade in small arms should be drawn
up at the 2001 Conference, one delegate stated. The Conference should
provide the
opportunity to prevent the transfer of military technology, as well as
military and security cooperation. Transferring military expertise
should be prevented and arms surpluses confiscated and destroyed.

A successful outcome of the Conference would be acceptance of a plan of
action with a time table for implementation, one delegate said. The plan
could include elements that would focus on such areas as: supply and
demand; State responsibility; and developing agreed norms for the
security and safe management of arms stockpiles being held by State
authorities or State authorized entities. Another delegate called for a
ban on the sale of small arms and light weapons to countries sharing
contiguous borders with areas of conflict.

Several delegates stated that the final document of the Conference
should include a political declaration setting out a framework for
future cooperation and action. It should identify elements that would
encourage future cooperation and facilitate regional action, such as
information exchange, strengthening national laws and regulations,
management of stockpiles and improvement in the system of tracing
illicit arms flows.

Background of Committee

The Preparatory Committee was established by General Assembly resolution
54/54 V (December 1999) to decide on the dates and venue of the 2001
Conference, as well as on the dates and venue of its subsequent
sessions. The Committee was also requested to make recommendations to
the Conference on all relevant matters, including the objective, a draft
agenda, draft rules of procedure and draft final documents, which will
include a programme of action, and to decide on background documents to
be made available in advance of the Conference. It was also mandated to
take a decision on the modalities of attendance by non- governmental
organizations at its sessions.


The officers of the Preparatory Committee are:

Chairman: Carlos dos Santos (Mozambique); Vice-Chairmen: Shen Guofang
(China); Makmur Widodo (Indonesia); Hamid Baeidi Nejad (Iran); Mitsuro
Donowaki (Japan); Luiz Filipe de Mecedo Soares (Brazil); Juan Miguel
Miranda (Peru); Richard Pierce (Jamaica); Nury Vargas (Costa Rica);
Yahsar Aliyev
(Azerbaijan); Alyaksandr Sychov (Belarus); Valeri Kuchynski (Ukraine);
Przemyslaw Wyganowski (Poland); Dace Dobraja (Latvia); Samuel Insanally
(Guyana); Denis Dangue Rewaka (Gabon); Alioune Diagne (Senegal); Ismail
Khairat (Egypt); Fares Kunidwa (Kenya); Pierre Charasse (France); Mario
Duarte (Portugal); Gunnar Lindemann (Norway); Przemyslaw Wyganowski
(Poland); Carlos Sorreta (Philippines); and Mark Gaillard (Canada).

(Emphasis added)

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