There are reports around NYC that the DNA databank may
not survive pols fears of being snagged by evidence obtained
from callgirls and callboys, those from outside NYC in particular,
and prosecutors and police officials, men and women, are
nervous about where this is going to lead if the technology
gets into criminal hands, into which it is already going.
Following the tradition of using love notes, gifts, photos,
videos and tapes of genital-driven power mongers to scare
them away from large scale criminal enterprises, or best,
to drag them into the fold.

So two DNA databanks are in the future, the vaunted petty
criminal category, and the intel-grade, or is that Echelon-grade
where foreign laboratories of the world's leader shenanigans
are siphoned for persuasion. Can false DNA be planted into
these testing labs, yes it can. Can pseudo DNA be manufactured,
yet it is. Do you want a DNA pseudo-identikit to mask your
repugnant practices, better find a dealer, fast.

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