Colin writes:

> So, he is not a Holocaust Denier?

Well, I suppose these days if you say 5,999,999 Jews died instead of
6,000,000 you qualify.

> How exactly is he the victim, when he would never have been fined if
> he hadn't brought the suit himself?

Being called names like "Holocaust Denier" and incurring the ire of Jewish
organizations is effectively an end to ones career.  

Under British libel law, it is not even necessary for alleged libel to be
untrue.  It is only required that the person be harmed by it, which makes
this particular decision all the more remarkable.

Especially in light of the fact that the judge insulted him from the
bench, and ruled that he could not appeal.

All over the fact that the Jews claimed not to like the tone of his works,
or the fact that he talked about some Jews dying from non-gas-chamber
related causes.

He can now join Professor Rind on the list of "denied persons" who made
the mistake of articulating perspectives the sheeple have been carefully
trained not to listen to.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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