I was at the bank today, and they had a TV displaying headlines, stock
quotes, etc.
I don't know their feed source.   Big read-it-across-the-room print so
minimal detail.
One page that flashed up was about "CIA list of Japanese Spies Posted To
Internet" :-)

Another was about "Hospitals stock up on bioweapon defenses for Democratic
It's been interesting to watch the bioterrorism spin doctors pumping up the
American public about how we need to be afraid, be very afraid,
because terrorists are hiding under the bed.  Any guesses whether this is the
Pentagon trying to get some leverage on the Democrats or whether it's the
Democrats trying to get some leverage for their friends in the bio-fear
Why aren't the Republicans getting any protection against terrorists?
Will they stage a minor incident at either convention?

I assume there will be large numbers of people trying to dose the Democrats
poisonous biological materials, primarily ethanol and tobacco products. 
The Libertarian Party convention had a lamer choice of ethanol,
but better choices of things to smoke (:-)  I'd speculate the Greens did also.
The Reform Party Convention will have its own toxicity problems just
dealing with Pat Buchanan, though perhaps the yogi flying squad will calm
it down.
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