Bill Stewart, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>The reason there's a postal monopoly is in large part because of an
>anarchist lawyer, Lysander Spooner, who believed that private business
>could do a much better job of anything that a government business,
>and demonstrated it by running a better postal service in Rochester New York
>than the US Snail could, in about the 1840s.  They couldn't beat him
>at their own game, so they banned him from competing.

That's oversimplifying things a bit.  Part of the Postal Service's 
traditional mandate is to provide mail delivery *at the same price* 
for everybody.  It's completely unsurprising that they can be 
undercut in Urban markets where the deliveries are mainly short 
and the carriers are very efficient because they can pick up or 
drop off hundreds of items per hour. 

But Spooner's service (and so far every mail service ever proposed 
by a private-enterprise) refused to serve rural customers, because 
out there it takes more resources to get from A to B, and the 
carrier may spend hours just going to get or deliver one letter.  

The legal justification for shutting Spooner's mail service down 
was that by refusing to serve rural customers, he'd be taking 
the profitable markets away from the post office and therefore 
driving costs out of reach for rural customers. The alternative 
to shutting down his service would have been tripling or quintupling 
postage costs for rural delivery, and the feds weren't ready to do 

Of course, there's a valid argument that if someone wants to live 
ten miles from the end of the nearest road (like my bud Dimu, an 
american Indian living on federal land), then paying some postal-
packing person to spend the necessary six hours walking along 
game trails to deliver his weekly bag of junk mail should be a 
fact of life for junk mailers.  But the feds identified a national 
interest in having everybody pay the same rate, and that is why 
Spooner's service was shut down.

Worthy of note:  having mail everywhere be the same rate means that 
your cross-town deliveries are paying, in part, for the letters I 
send to Dimu and for contracting companies in alaska mailing 
pallets of cinder-blocks to construction sites up in the back of 
beyond -- it's the cheapest method for freight delivery.

Also worthy of note:  If you're willing to serve *EVERYBODY* at 
the same postage rate, the federal argument against having private 
competition against the USPS won't hold up in court against you.


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