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Industry Group Analysis

This Week: Electronic Groups Light Up the Big Chart

1.      Introduction
2.      Groups that are Heating Up
3.      Groups that are Cooling Off
4.      On the Radar Screen this Week
5.      Stock in Focus
6.      Disclaimer

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1.      Introduction

On the up side, no other set of industry groups in the S&P 
500 performed better last week than the several industry 
groups under the Electronics label.  A few groups in 
Machinery performed well too, but they were no match for 
the electronic groups.  On the down side, the Biotech 
industry group slipped last week after being one of the 
hottest groups on the big chart in the previous week. Two 
industry groups that were on the radar screen last week 
({.ESE} and {.UDI}) return once again this week; they 
continue to perform well, but have yet to make significant 
breakthroughs on the big chart.   

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2.      Groups that are Heating Up

The Electronics groups ruled the big chart last week with 
four groups under the Electronics umbrella moving into new 
areas of the big chart.  In total, eleven industry groups 
in the Electronics subset improved on the big chart last 
week.  The four Electronic groups that improved the most 
last week were Electronics/Component-Control {.ECC}, 
Electronics/Defense {.EDE}, Electronics/Industry Leaders 
{.EIL}, and Electronics/Motors {.EMO}.  Electronic 
Components and Electronic Industry Leaders moved from a red 
on the big chart to a yellow reading, which indicates that 
these groups are now in the higher 60th to 80th percentile 
of all industry groups.  On the other hand, Electronics 
Defense and Electronic Motors both moved from a yellow on 
the big chart to a green reading, which indicates that these 
groups are now in the top 20th percentile of all industry 
groups. The Electronic Component group advanced 4.5 percent 
last week on the strength of performances by Conductus 
{CDTS}, Drexler Technology {DRXR}, Jabil Circuit {JBL}, and 
California Amplifier {CAMP}. 

3.      Groups that are Cooling Off

After staking a claim on the big chart's hot list last week, 
the Drugs/Biotechnology {.DBI} group cooled off considerably 
last week.  The biotechs fell into the red, or the lower 
60th percentile of all industry groups in the S&P 500, from 
its former yellow position (the higher 60th to 80th 
percentile of industry group performance).  Several 
noticeable names in this group such as Techne {TECH}, Chiron 
{CHIR}, Immunex {IMNX} and Amgen {AMGN} contributed to the 

4.      On the Radar Screen this Week

Once again, keep an eye on both the Electronics/
Semiconductor {.ESE} and the  Utilities/Diversified {.UDI} 
industry groups for this week.  Last week, the 
semiconductors improved significantly, but they remain in 
the lower 60th percentile of all the industry groups.  Next 
week, look for the widely-watched semiconductor group to 
break into the yellow (the higher 60th to 80th percentile 
of industry group performance) on the big chart. The 
diversified utilities gained 6.4 percent for the week, but 
could not break into the superior red position (the top 20th 
percentile of all industry groups) on the big chart. 
However, this group is presently teetering on the yellow-red 
border.  With that in mind, don't be surprised if this group 
makes into the red this week.  

5.      Stocks In Focus

Conductus' stock was the 
shining star of the Electronic Component group with a 
27.8 percent gain.  CDTS's gain was so large last week 
because the superconductor maker received a major purchase 
order for its superconducting wireless systems.  Dobson 
Communications ordered at least 200 of Conductus' wireless 
systems, which will be deployed throughout the United States 
over the next two years.  This order is significant for this 
small cap superconductor company because it represents its 
first meaningful commercial order ever.  Conductus entered 
a major licensing agreement with General Dynamics in the 
second quarter of 1999, but had never received a large 
commercial order until August 8th of this year.  Previously, 
the company had relied primarily on government research 
contracts for its revenues. 

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6.      Disclaimer

WallStreetCity’s Industry Group Analysis is published solely 
for informational purposes and is not a solicitation or an 
offer to buy or sell any stock, mutual fund or other security. 
The information obtained from internal and external sources 
is considered reliable, but has not been independently 
verified for accuracy and completeness.  WallStreetCity, its 
employees, and/or officers and directors, may from time to 
time have a position in the securities mentioned and may sell 
or buy such securities.

Trading involves risk, including possible loss of principle 
and other losses.  Trading results may vary. No 
representations are being made that these techniques will 
result in or guarantee profits in trading.  Past performance 
is no indication of future results.


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