Jodi Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I knew there was a reason I printed out NAMBLA's website
> throughout the years. 

So you can lie about what's in it cleverly enough not to get caught?

You *are* the same Jodi Hoffman who claims Sex Education is Satan's
Doorway to our Childrens' Innocence, aren't you.  The world's most
prolific frivilous lawsuit filer and nuisance to public educators

> Maybe you really are a member of NAMBLA.  It certainly sounds like it.

Right, lady.  Everyone who doesn't buy into the Sex Abuse Agenda as
presented by their local contingent of Religious Fanatics or Lying
Feminists Cunts is a NAMBLA member.

You're one of those fine people whose agenda it is to intimidate their
opponents into silence, and then lie about what it is they would have
said, had they been permitted to speak.

> I wonder if you would tell the parents to their face how important you
> think it is to preserve the information put out by the people who helped
> cause their son to be murdered, rather than doing something to help
> prevent it from happening again.

NAMBLA's rather boring text-only web site, containing comments by noted
educators, scientists, humanitarians, and artists on the topic of
transgenerational male homosexuality, moral panic, youth rights, and
extreme sex laws, is hardly, as the Curley family has alleged, a magical
resource which changes heterosexuals into pedophiles, and mild-mannered
Milquetoasts into murderers.

Any more than your web site changes atheists into God-Soaked anti-Sexual
Freaks like yourself.

Go beat your "childrens' victimization" drum elsewhere.  This is a
cryptography and civil liberties list.  Start your own Fascistpunks list
if you want a forum to spew.

As for the credentials of Robert Curley, who is *USING* his own son's
murder as a platform to attack causes the religious and political right
wing wants to damage, he is the only one of 2,000 city employees to be
allowed to "opt out" of four hours of mandatory "diversity training,"
because it would have forced him to "mouth beliefs he didn't espouse."

He also called the course, which attempts to prevent discrimination in the
workplace based on gender, sexual orientation, and race, "feel-good crap."

Like most death-penalty promoting defenders of the Christian Coalition who
try to undermine civil liberties while misdirecting the public with talk
of "child protection" and "pedophile activity," Curley sees an opening to
present the agenda of himself and his associate whores for Jesus cloaked
in words no politician dares oppose without committing political suicide.

It would be unwise to let him succeed.

That having been said, I don't think freedom of speech is going to sink or
swim based on whether the NAMBLA web site is mirrored in numerous
locations. Their lawyers may very well have advised them not to put it
back up or encourage others to host it pending the resolution of their
legal tangles.

All perspectives on all varieties of human sexuality are available at a
mouse click anyway, in the age of the Internet, and are so widely
distributed geographically that censorship is impossible.  In that sense,
part of NAMBLA's original mission has passed it by, as it is no longer
necessary to distribute opposing points of view on anything in brown paper
envelopes via snail mail.

If NAMBLA wants it mirrored, mirror it.  If they don't, print it out and
epoxy it to the side of Jodi Hoffman's barn as an example to other
censorous cows.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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